
  • hope; trust vs mistrust

    hope; trust vs mistrust
    When molly drops her daughter , Ruth, off at daycare she cries at first but warms up to the secondary day care provider very quickly. This is the stage where the mothers nurturing nature has created a trust in the world for the child instead of mistrust of others.
  • Industry vs inferiority

    Industry vs inferiority
    During this time ruth joins the youth basketball league at her community center. This way she has the ability to make friends while learning new social skills. Because she has had a great experience with other kids in her neighborhood she finds making friends a no brainer. In this stage erikson tests ones competency to be inferior or industrious in the adolescent stage based on previous experiences.
  • intimacy vs isolation

    intimacy vs isolation
    Jason and Ruth begin seeing each other at the beginning of college and now they are in their sophomore year. they have decided to start dating, becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, they have decided to spend their lives together and create memories together. Jason thinks this is the girl he wants to marry. this allows them to share their time together versus going through college alone.