
  • Potty Trained

    Potty Trained
    Claire who is 2 years old is going to the restroom by herself. Her parents encourages and praises Claire when she does it on her. In Erikson's 2nd stage Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, if children are encouraged and supported it increases independence and they become more secure with the world. If not, they become overly dependent upon others and has low self-esteem.
  • Kindergarten

    Claire who is now 5 years old is starting preschool. In Kindergarten they are learning new activities and games with other kids in the class. She is given the ability and opportunity to make different decisions. In Erikson's 3rd stage Initiative vs. Guilt, if children are given this opportunity to make their own decisions and interact with others they become more secure with themselves and others. If they are controlled or criticized they develop a sense of guilt.
  • School Activities

    School Activities
    Claire who is now 11 years old is very involve with sports and other school activites. Claire feels she needs approval from her peers and others surrounding her. In Erikson's 4th stage Industry vs. Inferiority, if children are encouraged and reinforced they begin to feel confident in their ability to achieve goals. If it is not encouraged, they begin to feel inferior and doubt their own abilities.
  • High School

    High School
    Claire who is in high school has many choices and decisions to make. Her parents keep asking her what she wants to do when she finish Highschool and she can't decide. In Erikson's 5th Stage Identity vs. Role Confusion, they will begin to form their own identity. Failure to establish this will lead to role confusion which makes them unsure about themselves or their place in society.