Erikson stages of development toolshero

Erikson Timeline - wjarupakorn

  • Adolescence; Identity vs. Identity Confusion

    Adolescence; Identity vs. Identity Confusion
    Debbie(age15)enters her freshman year of highschool uncertain of the clubs/sports she is going to join and the friends she is going to make. She wants to join pottery to explore her creativity but every girl her age dreams of cheerleading.
    In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity versus Role Confusion, we as adolescents explore independence and develop our sense of self. A fine line between the view of ourselves (identity) and how we fit into society(role confusion) presents itself during this stage.
  • Early Adulthood; Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Early Adulthood; Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Debbie(age28) has developed close relationships with friends/family, and has learned to maintain them throughout recent years. Although she has a good social circle, she is yearning for a deeper, more intimate relationship with someone she can spend the rest of her life with.
    In Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy versus Isolation, we confront the decision to establish close, loving relationships with others (intimacy) or choose to neglect social connections and support (isolation).
  • Late Adulthood; Ego Integrity vs. Despair

    Late Adulthood; Ego Integrity vs. Despair
    Debbie (age 70) a guest at her granddaughters wedding, sat reflecting on the last 70 years. She has lived a life full of love and happiness, despite her husbands passing nearly 20 years ago - knowing she had maintained friendships from childhood.
    In Erikson's eighth and final stage, ego integrity versus despair, we confront our past with the satisfaction that our life was well-lived (integrity) or regretting our choices and missed opportunities (despair).