Erickson's social developmental stages

  • Trust vs Mistrust

    Trust vs Mistrust
    Infancy or birth to 18 months. This is usually inforced through the baby crying for a need and wether the caregiver comes and supplies need or ignores the infant.
  • Period: to

    age 0-12

  • Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
    Early Childhood or 2-3 years old. This is inforced in toilet training and is how a child develops control.
  • Initiative vs Guilt

    Initiative vs Guilt
    Preschool or 3-5 years of age. This is accompained with exploration and children start trying to assert control
  • Industry vs Inferiorty

    Industry vs Inferiorty
    School age or 6-11 years old. This stage is inforced by school, they start to cope with new demands. Success eguals feelings of competence. Failure equals feelings of ingeriority
  • Indentity vs Role Confusion

    Indentity vs Role Confusion
    Adolescence or 12-18 years old. This is experienced through social relationships, and the need to find develop a sense of ones self.