Eras of Feudal Japan

By epratt
  • Period: Jan 1, 1185 to Dec 31, 1333

    Kamakura Period

    The Kamakura period began with Minamoto no Yorimoto establishing the Kamakura Shogunate in 1192 in Kamakura. Minamoto referred to his new government as bakufu, which translates to "tent government". The Emperor gave the military title of Seii Tai-shogun to Minamoto and in Western literature his government is often referred to as the shogunate. The bakufu had two main divisions, one to oversee the samurai, and one to judge legal suits. The shogun often had complete power over the emperor and impe
  • Period: Jan 1, 1333 to Dec 31, 1336

    Kemmu Restoration

    A very short period in Japanese history marked the transition between the Kamakura and Muromachi Period. This era is known as the Kemmu Restoration and is the last time a Japanese emperor attempted by force to take control of Japan.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1336 to Dec 31, 1573

    Muromachi Period

    The Muromachi period began with the official establishment of the Ashikaga Shogunate in 1336. The term Nanboku-cho, Northern and Southern Court in Japanese, is used to describe the early years of the Muromachi from 1336-1392. Ashikaga Takauji gained support from samurai who were dissatisfied with Emperor Go-Daigo's rule and was able to depose the emperor and appoint himself as shogun. Ashikaga Takauji governed from Kyoto while Emperor Go-Daigo, who had escaped confinement, established his own he
  • Period: Jan 1, 1568 to

    Azuchi Momoyama Period

    The Azuchi-Momoyama period takes its name from Azuchi Castle and Momoyama Castle. Azuchi Castle was one of Oda Nobunaga's main fortresses located next to Lake Biwa in Omi Province. It was built close enough to Kyoto to enable sentries to see any approaching armies, but far enough way to provide protection from lesser conflicts which were not uncommon in the capital. Momoyama Castle, also known as Fushimi Castle, was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Kyoto's Fushimi Ward in 1594. It was actually bui
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa (Edo Period)

    This was a very important part of the Japanese time line, as this is when much of the artistic developments of the country occurred. It is also the period when the samurai really came to the forefront of culture and politics, being placed in status high above other "commoners". The Edo Period was the last period marked by a ruling shogunate in the feudal age of Japan. In roughly 1870, the people rallied around the Emperor and the age of family rule came to an end.