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Recording sound

  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison was a inventor that was born in Ohio on 11 of February, in 1847 USA. They died on the 18 of october, in 1931. They invented the phonograph, to record music and sound. Thomas Edison studied at the Cooper Union and wanted to be an inventor, scientist or businessman.
  • Phonograph

    The first invention to recording sound was the phonograph that was invented in 1877 in America by the inventor Thomas Edison.
  • Gramophone

    The next invention was the Gramophone that was invented in Germany, 1888 by Emilie Berliner, the mechanism was very similar to edison's phonograph.
  • Walkmans

    The third invention was the walkmans that was invented in japan, 1979 by the sony corporation. Walkman could not recorded sound but they were an instant sucess.
  • Compact Discs

    Compact Discs
    The following invention was the compact disc that was invented by the Japanese company Sony in japan, 1980’s, the compact discs quickly replaced the walkmans.