Emperor Meiji

  • Emperor Meiji's Birth

    Emperor Meiji was born on November ber 3, 1852. His parents were Emperor Komei and Nakayama Yoshiko. He was born into the Shinto religion. Emperor Meiji was born in the former capital of Japan, Kyoto, Japan. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin was a naturalist and a geologist. He was best known for his contribution to the evolutionary theory. He discovered that all animals in a species came from a common ancestor. (Encyclopedia Brittanica)
  • The Charter Oath

    The Charter Oath was promulgated by Emperor Meiji after he overthrew Tokugawa Shogunate rule, which lasted 265 years. The Charter Oath helped modernized Japan. It also introduced a Western parliamentary constitution. The Charter Oath includes five articles and is also known as the Imperial Oath Of Five Articles. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • End of the Tokugawa Shogunate Era

    The Tokugawa Shogunate Era ended the Meiji Restoration began to rise. After a 250 year era the Meiji Restoration ended the traditional government, culture, and society. When the era ended it also began the modernization of Japan and new development of technology. (Tokugawa Shogunate and Meiji Restoration)
  • Gustave Courbet Leads Realism in Art

    Artists wanted to stray away from traditional art, they wanted to create a movement with their art. Gustave Courbet was one of the first people to start this artist movement. Gustave drew ordinary working class people during this time, which was unlike usual artists because usual artist draw the typical upper class. This started the Realist Artistic Movement. (Cambell)
  • Dmitri Mendeleev in 1871

    Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist and inventor during the late 1800's. He created a new version of the periodic table of elements. He used his new method to correct the already discovered elements. He also predicted the properties of eight elements. (Dmitri Mendeleev)
  • Education Act in Japan

    In order to modernize Japan the Meiji government released that in order to westernize it they had to form a public school of education. In order to westernize their education they had people sent over to observe how people's schooling system worked. Japan soon made their school system more like the American school system. (Abe)
  • The Long Depression

    In 1873 France underwent a Long Depression. A lot of people in France were in great debt and could not afford to pay taxes. People were homeless and out of jobs begging for work. Some people were out on the streets begging for food because they were beginning to die of starvation. (Encyclopedia Brittanica)
  • Satsuma Rebellion

    The Satsuma Rebellion started 9 years after the new imperial government came to be. People were not satisfied with the direction the government was taking so some reveled against Emperor Meiji. Most of the Samurai class was not happy with this new form of government because it abolished their privileged social class. (Satsuma Rebellion: Satsuma Clan Samurai Against the Imperial Japanese Army)
  • Henri Poincaré 1879

    Henri Poincaré was a maths genius who studied different ways to do equations. In 1879 he discovered that there was a new way of studying properties and functions. He was also the first one to discover general geometric properties during this time. (Encyclopedia Brittanica)
  • Adoption of the Meiji Constitution

    The Meiji Constitution brought together ideas based off of the Prussian and British government. It was a form of constitutional and absolute monarchy put together. The Constitution allowed people to have a voice and have the Emperor as head of state and the Prime Minister as the actual head of government. (February 11 1889 - The Meiji Constitution Is Adopted, Leading to the Westernization of Japan)
  • Opening of the Diet in Japan

    The opening of the Imperial Diet of Japan created a new form of government with a bicameral legislature and 3 branches of government. The Imperial Diet was put into place by the Meiji Constitution. The Meiji Constitution made sure that the new government gave the Emperor real political control. The Emperor's powers were also contained by elder statesman who directed him. (Encyclopedia Brittanica)
  • The Panic

    The Panic was caused by the economic depression that America was facing in the 1890's. It started in Argentina when Americans investment in their wheat crashed. Wheat prices plummeted causing people to panic because their economy was slowly going down hill. (Barga)
  • Sino Japanese War

    The Sino Japanese War was fought between the Japanese emperor and the Chinese Qing emperor in 1894. China and Japan mainly went to war with each other over the primary rule of Korea during the Meiji Era. Since the modernization in Japan took place Emperor Meiji was able to construct a large powerful army and navy to defeat China. (Encyclopedia Brittanica)
  • Risso-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War was fought between the Russians and the Japanese. Both of these countries were rivals over imperial power during the rule of Emperor Meiji. After the Meiji Restoration was over and they had a fully trained and professional army, Emperor Meiji went into battle with Russia. When the war was over Japan won and won imperial power. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • Emperor Meiji's Death

    Emperor Meiji died on July 30, 1912 at age 59. He had diabetes which caused a uremia. He died in Tokyo, Japan. Emperor Meiji was buried in Kyoto, Japan where he was originally born. He was burried September 13,1912. (Encyclopedia Britannica)