
  • Baby is born

    Baby is born
  • One Month

    One Month
    Baby is able to lift chin when placed on his/her stomach.
  • Second Month

    Second Month
    Baby is able to lift chest well above surface when its placed on his/her stomach
  • Third Month/Fourth Month

    Third Month/Fourth Month
    Baby will be able to hold their head up steadily
  • End of the third month

    End of the third month
    baby will start to reach for objects, but unsteadily
  • Fifth Month

    Fifth Month
    The baby will be able to sit alone briefly
  • Sixth Month

    Sixth Month
    The baby will start to reach out for objects.
  • Seventh Month

    Seventh Month
    Baby will start reaching for spoon
    Baby will also eat with fingers
  • Eighth Month

    Eighth Month
    Baby will be able to pick up large objects
  • End of the Eight month

    End of the Eight month
    Baby can hold themselves up with using an object for support.
  • Ninth Month

    Baby will be able to crawl
  • Tenth Month

    Tenth Month
    Baby will be able to walk while holding on to something for support.
    Baby will start to reach for more objects
  • End of the Tenth Month

    End of the Tenth Month
    Baby will be able to start playing with objects
  • Eleventh Month

    Eleventh Month
    Baby will start to show preference for one hand over the other.
    Baby will be able to drink from a cup
  • Twelfth Month

    Twelfth Month
    Baby will be able to stand and walk alone