Blood countess elizabeth bathory 239x300

Elizabeth Bathory

By coylju0
  • Aug 7, 1560

    Born in Transylvania, Romania

    Elizabeth Bathory was born to a powerful Hungarian Protestant family.
  • Jan 1, 1574

    Gave birth to first daughter Anastasia

    She fell pregnant to a peasant lover and so gave away her daughter at birth because she was ashamed to have a child with a peasant.
  • Mar 9, 1575

    Married Count Fenrec Nadasdy

    She was married at age 15. Both Elizabeth Bathoery and Count Fenrec Nadasdy shared a passion in torture. Together they had three daughters and a son.
  • Jan 1, 1578

    Eloped with dark stranger

    She eloped while her husband was away fighting in wars, but he forgave her when he returned home.
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    Killing Span

    It is believed that with her four accomplices killed as many as 650. She tortured the young girls by burning their faces, stabbing, forcing them to consume their own flesh, starving and freezing them to death naked. She often drank the blood of the girls and may have bathed in it, believing that it made her skin appear more youthful.
  • Husband died resulting in her becoming one of the richest land owners

    After her husband died, her first act was too banish her mother-in-law from the country who took Elizabeth's four children with her. Around this time, her torturing and killings increased drastically.
  • Killed 25 young noble women

    She invited 25 noble women from financially struggling families and killed them all. She claimed that one of them murdered the others for money and then commited suicide.
  • Trial of Elizabeth's accused killings commenced

    Elizabeth and her four accomplices were trialled, however, due to her nobility she did not attend the trial. Three of the accomplices were sentenced to execution but Elizabeth, despite, the courts condemnation she was allowed to live in house arrest for the duration of her life.
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    Imprisoned in Castle Csejte

    She was the only of one who was not executed and was force to live in a small room which had only a small hole for food to be passed through.
  • Died in house arrest