Eichholz, Kriegshauser Period 2

  • WWI, Cause and Spark

    WWI, Cause and Spark
    Caused by the murder of archduke Franz Ferdinard of Austria, Hungry. He was killed by a Serbian. The war spread across the world through alliances. Tensions were high.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Soldiers from both sides of the army dug deep trenches to hide in until it was time to fight. The design was great when fighting because only head was showing and it is a lot harder to hidd a smaller target. These trenches were very deep and usually soliders were in them for a while. Still today you can go and visit these trenches.
  • Overthrowing Tsar Nicholace

    Overthrowing Tsar Nicholace
    A revolution forced Tsar Nicolace to give up the throne. Rebels led by Valdimin Lenin took control of government in 1918> He made peace with Germany and exacuted the Tsar.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    In 1918 the Central Powers surrendered. In 1919 the Treaty of Versailles was signed and the Central Powers had to pay a lot of money for the damages they caused. They also could not have a army. Germany plunged into great economic downfall.
  • The Rise of Communism

    The Rise of Communism
    People in Russia were hungry. All of their money was being spent on the war. Comunism was the best solution. Joseph Stalin ruled ruthlessly until 1953. He took peoples freedom and killed around ten million people.
  • Roaring Twenties

    Roaring Twenties
    Twenties were a time of prosperity. Economy grew rapidly . During this time Americia became the richest country. People had enough money to buy goods and other wanted appliances.
  • The Stock Market Crashes

    The Stock Market Crashes
    People spent a lot of money during the Roaring Twenties. In 1929 (Black Tuesday) the Stock Market crahed, sending the country in to economic trouble. It didnt just affect America though the whole world was affected.
  • America During Great Depression and Hoovervilles

    America During Great Depression and Hoovervilles
    Hoovervilles were named after president Hoover, who was president at that time. These towns were covered in makeshift homes. Masny people were poor and hungry and sometimes didnt eat for days. Most people were out of a job. America was in a slump. This was the end or the roaring twenties.
  • A New Deal

    A New Deal
    Rosevelt was elected in 1932 and promised to pull America out of financial trouble. New Deal was established to do just that. Social Security was craeated. He was elected for four terms more than any other president.
  • WWII Nazi Germany

    WWII Nazi Germany
    Adof Hitler took advantage of German discontent. He started the Nazi party, and promised to make germany strong and great again. He became dictator and built up armed forces and military. Nazis invaded Poland, Britian, France and the Sovioet Union.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Natzis destroyed entire groups of people especially Jewish people. They were sent to Concentration Camps. This all started because Hitler had an idea to help Germany. The idea was not to build themselves up but tear other down.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacked American forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This attack brought the U.S. into the war on the side of the allies. When Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, they also joined the allies.
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    President Harry Truman believed invading Japan was too big of a risk. So issted the first Atomic Bomb was used. One of these bombs was powerful enough to destroy entire cities. 100,000 people were killed in Hiroshima & Nagaski.
  • Communism vs Capitalism

    Communism vs Capitalism
    Most countries were split. One side capitalist democrats led by U.S. one the other side were communist countries led by Soviet Union. Both U.S. were considered superpowers.
  • North Korea

    North Korea
    In 1950 comunist North Korea invaded non-comunist South Korea. The US and other democracy countries sent troops to suport South Korea. China suported North Korea. The war ended in 1953
  • Vietnanam

    Communist North Korea invaded noncommunist South Korea. Vietnam split into two sides, communist and noncommunist. U.S. supporte South Vietnam to fight communism. In 1975 North Koreawon and whole country became communist.
  • The End of the Cold War

    The End of the Cold War
    In 1991 Comunism collapsed in the Sovient Union. Comunism ended because people demanded reforms. Capitalism prospered and it produced more wealth. The Soviet Union broke into independant nations the largest was Russia. The US had better bonds with Russia.