Events that led to wwii

Events involving Germany that led to WWII

By lopegab
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    When the Nazi party won the majority of seats in the parliament, President Hindenburg assigned Hitler as the Chancellor.Germans supported Hitler because he wanted to expand the German land, rearm and he opposed the Treaty of Versailles which had brought many economical problems to Germany. it was significant because being chancellor gave Hitler power to carry his plans that eventually made him a dictator.
  • Germany Leaves the League of Nations

    Germany Leaves the League of Nations
    Hitler left the League of Nations because he opposed the Treaty of Versailles and Germans believed that the League and the Treaty were closely linked together. It is significant because Germany realized that countries were starting to make agreements and pacts without consulting League of Nations and that Germany could grow in power by making its own affairs outside of the League such as the Rome-Berlin Axis with Italy
  • Anschluss with Austria fails

    Anschluss with Austria fails
    Hitler tries ti unite Germany and Austria. Nazi officers assasinated the Austrian chancellor, Chancellor Dollfuss. Germans thought that anschluss would be easy to adquire but were stopped by italian troops in July of 1934. This was an important event for the German because it showed that they had a stronger army if the wanted Anschluss and lebensraum.
  • Anglo-German Naval Agreement

    Anglo-German Naval Agreement
    Germany and Britain sign this in which Britain gave Germany permision to build their navy again but limiting it to 35% of Britain's navy. They did this with no authorization of the League of Nations and violating the Treaty of Versailled which hadn't been revised yet. This was important because it was one step that contributed to appeasement and it also helped germany adquire more power. Germany not only violated the Treaty but the did it legally thanks to appeasement.
  • remilitarization of the Rhineland

    remilitarization of the Rhineland
    Given that Abyssinia had been invaded by Italy, Hitler took this as a good opportunity to remilitarize the Rhineland, thus going against the Treaty of Versailles. This was an important event that led to WWII because the League gave Hitler more power than it had before, since they let him go against the Treaty and didnt impose any punishment because of it. The League didnt do anything against Germany becuase of appeasement but didnt realize that this put other countries at risk
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    After the Abyssinia Crisis, relations between Britain France and Italy were tense. However, Italy saw this time as a good opportunity to make a pact with Germany. This agreement stated that in case of war, Italt would help Germany and Germany would help Italy. This was a turning point to Europe's alliances becuase Italy adn Germany became friends, something they hadn't been since the Anschluss of 1934.
  • Germany occupiess and annexes Austria

    Germany occupiess and annexes Austria
    Hitler forced the Austrian Goverment with the help of the Nazi Army becuase he wanted to Unite all German Speaking people. Aunstrian Chancellor Schuschnigg resigned from his poisition and signed a letter telling the austrian people to not resist a german ocupation in the country. Hitler appointed a Nazi government and Austria was finally Germany's. This was important because it clearly showed that The League wasnt following the Treaty of Versailled any more due to aoppeasement and other factors.
  • Hitler demands concessions for the Gerans living in Czecoslovakia

    Hitler demands concessions for the Gerans living in Czecoslovakia
    Germany did this becuase they wanted to unite the aryan race which was the ideal race for Hitler. Hitler viewed the other races as inferior. This was important because it anticipated the other countries what Germany plans were of invading Czechoslovakia. this was an important event to what led to WWII because Germany started planning invasion on Germany speaking land which was one of the main reasons for WWII.
  • sudentenland taken by Germany

    sudentenland taken by Germany
    Germany signed the Munich Conference with Italy, Britain and France which they hoped it would help to not cause a war. Hitler got the Sudentenland which was one of the places in czechoslovakia where most german speaking people lived. This was important for WWII becuase this event showed the other countries as weak since it gave hitler so much power and acess to the land he wanted, legally
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany had signed the German- Soviet Pact to guarantee that the USSR wouldnt intervene in an invasion of Poland. then, on september, they invaded. Poland surrendered not long after and Hitler had the polish corridor in his hands. This was significant for the events leading to WWII because Germany was invadin all the new countries that appeared after WWI and getting even powerfull ever time which was dangerous for the countries against Hitler.