educational reform

  • Santa Fe School District vs Doe

    Santa Fe School District vs Doe
    the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the district's policy of allowing student-led prayer before football games violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Law was signed under President George W Bush which mandates student testing in math and reading and held schools accountable for student achievement levels. Schools not making progress were penalized under the NCLB act.
  • Zelma v. Simmons- Harris

    Zelma v. Simmons- Harris
    The US supreme court rules in favor of an Ohio program that used school vouchers. This program is an indication that the public school system is failing and starts the trend of charter and private schools.
  • Response to Intervention ( RTI)

    Response to Intervention ( RTI)
    The Individuals with Disability Improvement Act of 2004 reauthorized and modified IDEA. The changes involved modifications to the IEP process and procedural safegaurds, it aligned with No Child Left Behind, and it required school districts to implement the Response to Intervention approach.
  • Kitzmiller V. Dover Area School District

    Kitzmiller V. Dover Area School District
    This case involved a district in the state of Pennsylvania that taught Intelligent design as an alternative to evolution. Intelligent design was found to be a form of creationism and therefore unconstitutional to teach.
  • American Association on Mental Retardation

    Changed the name to intellectual disability instead of mental retardation.Helped to change the way society viewed students with disabilities.
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed by President Barack Obama. It was meant to help create and save jobs during the recession by providing funding to several programs.
    Education received money to save hundreds of jobs, support school districts, and advance educational reforms.
  • Common Core Standards

    Common Core Standards
    States formally adopt the new Common Core standards. This is a big contrast from NCLB as it promotes usage of technology and less focus on high stakes standardized testing.
  • Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2010

    Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2010
    The readiness act of 2010 changed the entry date to Sept 1 in order to have all children entering kindergarten be 5 years old. This resulted in a transitional kinder program that allows kids whose birthday falls between Nov 1- December 2 be in a program taught by credential teachers.