
Largest earthquakes since 1990

  • Luzon, Phillipine Islands

    Luzon, Phillipine Islands
    Had a magnitude of 7.7. Ended up having 1621 fatalities
  • Kuril Islands

    Kuril Islands
    Had a magnitude of 7.6 and had 0 fatalities
  • Flores, Region Indonesia

    Flores, Region Indonesia
    This earthquake had a magnitude of 7.8 and had 2519 fatalities
  • South of Mariana Islands

    South of Mariana Islands
    Had 0 fatalities, but had a magnitude of 7.8
  • Kuril Islands

    Kuril Islands
    Had a large magnitude of 8.3 but only had 11 fatalities
  • Near coast of Jalisco, Mexico

    Near coast of Jalisco, Mexico
    Had 49 fatalities and a magnitude of 8.0
  • South of Fiji islands

    South of Fiji islands
    Had a magnitude of 7.8 and had 0 fatalities
  • Taiwan

    Had a magnitude of 7.7 and had 2297 fatalities
  • Central Alaska

    Central Alaska
    Had a magnitude of 7.9 and had the low low number of 0 deaths
  • Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan

    Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
    Had a high magnitude of 9.0 and had 20,896 deaths