
Early Government in America

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    This document Limited the power of the king, created a common council, had a trail by jury and separated the church and state
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    This document was made to create equal law and made a person free from religious presuctution
  • English Petion of Rights

    English Petion of Rights
    This document made it where the king could not change taxes, there way no taxation without representation, and there martial law
  • John Locke's Secound Treatise of Government

    John Locke's Secound Treatise of Government
    This document secured nature right to people, and made it able to over rule the king
  • The Eniglish Bill of Rights

    The Eniglish Bill of Rights
    This document made it possible to petition the king, free election,and you couldn't change a law with out consent
  • Artickes of Confederation

    Artickes of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation were the first governing document of the US that didn't work out and was soon changed to the constitution.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty ended the Revolutionary war under the Articles of Confederation
  • 3/5 Compromise

    3/5 Compromise
    this was a compromise that allowed every 3 out of 5 slaves to be counted as a person so the population of the state would rise to create more representatives in the state
  • Slave Trade Compromise

    Slave Trade Compromise
    This agreement allowed congress to stop the slave trade after the year 1800 which then was later extended to 1803
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    This was an agreement between the states about how congress would work. The House of Representatives is based on state population and the Senate Has 2 members per state.
  • Constustion

    The coustition is the laws and standeard that America should uphold and basically the rules and guide lines to live by.
  • Bill Of Right

    Bill Of Right
    The Bill of Rights was the first 10 amendments of the constitution. These right ensured that people still had individual freedoms