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Historical Timeline (15th-18th Century)

  • Period: Jun 28, 1491 to Jan 28, 1547

    King Henry the 8th

    Monarch of England:
    -converted England from Catholic to Protestant
    -took all power from the pope
    -had a history of many wives, saught divorce
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to


    A very popular Queen/monarch of England
    -knwon as "Good Queen Bess"
    -never married which meant there would be no heir to the throne
  • Period: to

    KIng Charles 2

    Father was Charles the 1st-faught in the English Civil War
    -Parliment requested Charles 2 to be at the throne
    -he was popular for reopening theatres/taverns
    -Avoided clashing with Parliment
  • Period: to

    John Locke

    Locke was an English man who wrote Two Treaties of Publication, He supported democracy and believed in natural rights.
  • Period: to

    James 2

    King of England:
    Brothers of Charles the 2
    Son of Charles the 1st
    -practiced Catholic faith-when England really was Protestant
    -Mary and William Orange replaced him on the throne
    -transfer between James and the Oranges was called the "Glorius Revolution"
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    The English Civil War was between the supporters of King Charles the 1st of England and the supporters of Parliment led by Cromwell. Parliment took the victory, but soon would return to a monarchy.
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Period

    The Enlightment was a time were philosophies arose to put reason to life's questions. Many well known Philosophes are still quoted today such as Thomas Hobbes, Montesquieu, and Diderot.
  • Period: to

    Glorius Revolution

    Monarch Transition: from Charles the 2 to William and Mary Orange
    -The name meant-a time of no bloodshed or war
    -Made a limited monarchy
    For the Oranges to enter into the throne they were required to sign the English Bill of Rights. This was a new set of rules to strengthen the unity of England religously and governmentally.
  • Period: to


    -A French philosopher, he wrote "The Spirit of Laws". He also wanted to divide the government into 3 branches including;
    -Also supported laws
  • Period: to


    -He was French, but lived in exile in Britian
    -Wrote "Letters on English"
    -believed in religous freedom and freedom of speech
    Voltaire adored the British government/hated the French government
    -mocked the church with his writing
  • Period: to


    -French man of lower class
    -Published the "Social Contract"
    -relied on instinct and emotion
    -Like Locke he saw a human's natural state as happy
    -made government theories
  • Sugar Act ratified

    Sugar Act ratified
    This act was ratified in 1764 to create taxes on import goods
    Similar Act:
    The Navigation Act-from the 1600's which restricted trading with other countries
  • Stamp Act ratified

    Stamp Act ratified
    This act put taxes on newspaper and pamphlets
  • Declaratory Act ratified

    Declaratory Act ratified
    This act claimed Britian to have full authority over the colonies
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This was a deadly battle leading up to the American Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A major event consisting of the dumping of British tea as a political protest. The Americans involved dressed as Indians as a form of disquise.
  • Period: to

    American Revolutionary War

    This was a time of war between the Kingdom of Great Britian and the 13 colonies. The war was mainly over the colonies independence and freedom from Britian. In the end, the colonies won with the leadership of George Washington while Britian lost with King George the 3rd.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation was the first Constitution. Likewise, it was written by John Dickinson in 1777. This was weak for the diverse states and wasn't a strong enough constitution.
  • Period: to

    The Constitutional Convention

    This consisted of writting the redraft of the new constitution. The authors were James Madison and Benjamin Franklin.
    Elemets included:
    creating a federal republic
    a social contract
    checks and balances
    The Bill of Rights etc.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The old government known as the "Estates General", was replaced by the National Assembly. This group of leaders would continue to meet together until a constitution was fully created.
  • The Decleration of Rights of Man and the Citizen

    The Decleration of Rights of Man and the Citizen
    This was a document passed by the National Assembly(French government). Several of the new rights included:
    -free equal rights for all men
    -natural rights
    -equality before law for all men
    -religous freedom
  • Period: to

    English Bill of Rights

    This was the time period in which the English Bill of Rights was passed by Congress and then ratifed. Overall, this was dedicated to a constitutional government with the use of Parliment regularily.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    This was a time period of change for the French:
    Originally lived on Old Regime System-
    divided into 3 estates
    clergy, nobility, and peasants
    Major cause:
    Deficit Spending-
    spending more than what is being made
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights was ratified or passed in 1791. The document includes the first ten ammendments.