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Early Cold War Timeline Mr. Deyoung- Kadi and Sheriel

  • Period: to

    H.Truman Presidency

  • CIA established

    This was an organization that was gathered and Eisenhower approved covert CIA operations to protect American intrests
  • Successful Soviet detonation of an atomic bomb

    Americans no longer have the monopoly on atomic weaponry, causing a highly dangerous situation. Three months later President Truman orders the construction of the Hydrogen Bomb which was 1000 times as powerful as one atomic bomb. This resulted in an arms race.
  • China falls to communism

    Mao Zedong with the support of the Soviet Union. With Jiang's defeat one fourth of the world's landmass and one third of the population was now under communist control. Lead to the lack of support for Truman because he "Lost China"
  • Period: to

    America develops Hydrogen Bomb

  • Korean War begins

    North and South Korea would fight over land and political power. Due to the failure of appeasment in the past Truman decides to take action with the UN's support but WITHOUT a formal declaration of war. This would end with little sucess and difficult relations with China.
  • UN forces and at Inchon

    US Marines landed and launched an attack into the rear guard of the North Korean's pushing them back to the 38th parallel.
  • Limited war vs. Total vicotry

    Truman debates between ending US involvment or pushing further to satisfy MacArthur's need for total victory
  • China attacks, sending UN forces to 37th parallel

    300,000 Chinese soldiers attacked South Korean and U.S. positions forcing them back to where they had started at the 38th parallel. After looking at the consiquences of getting further involved Truman decides to follow through with limited war which ends in MacArthur being fired for insubordination and soon the end of the Korean War.
  • UN forces push Communists back to 38th parallel

    Now Truman has to decided how to continue. If he pushes further he threatens another massive war against China and North Korea or he can end the war and risk the spread of communism.
  • Period: to

    Eisenhower's Presidency

  • Death of Josef Stalin

    A power struggle was set off and Nikita Khrushchev soon became the new head of the Soviet Union
  • Cease fire at 38th parallel

    There was no signifigant change after the Korean war. North Korea remained communist, allied to China and the USSR and South Korea remained noncommunist allied to the US and major democracies. Lead to the president that troops could be sent to battle without Congressional consent
  • CIA supported coup in Iran

    Helped to place anti communist leader in power and also created long term resentment against the united states
  • Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announces US policy

    The US would respond to communist threats to its allies by threatening overwhelming force and potentially nuclear weapons. "massive retaliation" or "brinkmanship"- keeping the world on the brink of war wihtout actually going to war.
  • CIA supported coup in Guatemala

    Helped to place anti communst leader in power and also created long term restment against the United States.
  • Nikita Khrushchev emerges as head of USSR

    After Stalin's death Khrushchev became the leader of the Soviet Union, he was not as cruel or suspicious as Stalin but had uncler intentions of "peaceful co-existence" with the US
  • Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser acknowledge People's Republic of China and talks with USSR

    Eisenhower adminstration withdrew offer to fund the constuction of a dam on the Nile River
  • Egyptian President Nasser tries to nationalize Suez Canal

    He achieved in nationalizing the canal and putting it under government control, however this put Middle east and European oil in danger
  • Polish revolt against Soviets

    Workers rioted against Soviet rule and won greater control of their gov't because they did not attempt to leave the Warsaw Pact and were therfore allowed. This would set an example for Hungry who will not have as much success.
  • Hungarian revolt against Soviets

    Students and workers organized huge demonstrations. Soviet soldiers used tanks to crush the Hungarian revolution ad execute many rebel leaders. This added an new level of hostility to international relations.
  • Britian & France Seize Suez Canal

    Egypts President Gamal Abdel Nasser tried to benifit from the US and USSR rivalry by talking to both sides to find a better deal and ended up nationalizing the Suez canal and threatening the European oil supply, When Britain and France tried to seize the canal Eisenhower cut off support to Britain and France.
  • Eisenhower announces "Eisenhower Doctrine"

    Ike announced that the US would use force to help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by communism. This justified sending troops to Lebanon to put down a revolt against pro- American goverment. Aided in the creation of th CIA
  • Soviet launched Sputnik Satellite into orbit

    U.S approves the National Defense EducationAct that produced more scientists and teachers of science; N.A.S.A was also created to coordinate the space related efforts of scientists and military