Dream Vacation

  • Day 1

    Flight travel
  • Day 2- Caracas

    Day 2- Caracas
    Caracus Parque Zoologico Caricuao- Free Charge
    Neoclassical Building- Admission is free except on mondays.
  • Day 3- Angel Falls of Canaima National Park

    Day 3- Angel Falls of Canaima National Park
    Angel Falls of Caniama National Park Angel Falls- $400
    Caniama Camp- $30.30 to get in, $17 dollars a night
  • Day 4- Caniama National Park

    Day 4- Caniama National Park
    Auyen-Tepui Caniama Camp-$30.00
    Auyan-tepui- free to walk paths and hike upon.
  • Day 5-Bolivar

    Day 5-Bolivar
    <a href='http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/72062/Bolivar' >Caroni Riverni
    Bird Sanctuary- Free Charge.
    La llovizna- Free to explore and visit.
  • Day 6- Bolívar State

    Day 6- Bolívar State
    Tucupita, Orinoco Delta Float trip on Orinoco Delta- $275
    Dolphins, giant river otter, and one of the rarest reptiles in the world, the Orinoco Crocodile
  • Day 7- Tucupita

    Day 7- Tucupita
    Warao Indians Warao Indians- a group of natives, and a tribe. They often suffer from many different diseases. Free to visit them.
  • Day 8- Tucupita

    Day 8- Tucupita
    Los Llanos Wildlife spotting and watching- $300 per day and includes luxury ranch accommodations, food and water.
    Watch birds, reptiles, and mammals. Jaguar and Anaconda are popular attractions.
  • Day 9- Valencia

    Day 9- Valencia
    Valencia City of Arts and Sciences- Free to experience and adventure
  • Day 10- Valencia

    Day 10- Valencia
    Valencia Acuario- $37.10
    Parque de Esculturas (beautiful park)
  • Day 11-Caracus

    Day 11-Caracus
    Cathedral Cathedral- Free Admission. The architecture has been re-done multiple times due to earthquakes. At one time it was a mud chapel, now it is a huge cathedral.
    Cathedral Metropolitana and Museo Sacro de Caracas-Free Charge
  • Day 12-Caracus

    Day 12-Caracus
    Caracus Casa Natal de Bolivar- Admssion is free except on Mondays, requested to sign a visitors book.
  • Day 13- Carcas for the final day

    Day 13- Carcas for the final day
    Caracas Ávila- a mountain towering over the city a thousand meters, it gives a great view of the city, and you can quickly reach the top by cable car. It costs $14.47.
  • Day 14

    Flight home