Donna haraway

Donna Jeanne Haraway, September 6 1944

  • Born

    Donna Jeanne Haraway was born on September 6 1944.
  • Education

    Donna Haraway majored in Zoology and earned minors in philosophy and English at Colorado College. She completed her Ph.D. in boiology at Yale.
  • A Cyborg Manifesto

    A Cyborg Manifesto
    Haraway published an essay called " Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism". She contributed greatly to feminist narratives of the twentieth century. The Manifesto gives a response to rising conservatism during the 1980's in the United States. It explains that there is nothing about being female that binds women together into a unified category. She argues that rather than using indent, women should create coalitions based on affinity.
  • Continuation of a Cyborg Manifesto

    Continuation of a Cyborg Manifesto
    Haraway further explains that her "Manifesto" is an attempt to build an ironic political myth that is faithful to feminism, socialism and materialism. She tries to find ways to end dominating behavior and old social norms that women were subject to.
  • Video explaining Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto

  • Primate Visions

    Primate Visions
    In Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science (1990) by Haraway, she writes about the metaphors and narratives in the science of primatology. she explains that stories about reproductive competition and sex between aggressive males and receptive females is masculinized. Her aim for science is to "reveal the limits and impossibility of its objectivity and to consider some recent revisions offered by feminist primatologists.