
Donna Haraway (September 6, 1944 - present)

  • The Cyborg Manifesto

    American Professor Donna Haraway wrote the essay "Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the 1980s.” The essay was published in Socialist Review. It explores the relation between technology, feminism and culture. A Cyborg Manifesto introduces the concept of the cybernetic woman—the woman’s identity as both human and machine. The Manifesto rejects the idea of dualism including the gender binary male/female and other dual concepts such as the self/the other.
  • Situated Knowledges

    “Situated Knowledges” is initially meant as a commentary on Sandra Harding’s 1987 work, The Science Question in Feminism. Haraway emphasizes the concept of feminist empiricism, wherein she implies that objectivity differs between the male perspective and the female perspective. Haraway acknowledges the reconciliation between feminism and science in this essay, which argues that women’s lived experiences can be used as basis for a scientific inquiry or research.
  • Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science

    Primate Visions primarily focuses on primatology, feminism and cultural studies. Haraway argues that narratives about primates and reproduction have always been masculinized. The alpha males reflect the dominant male identity, and the receptive females reflect the submissive woman in the society. This work shows the existence of the white male perspective in studying nature. Haraway aims to have more feminist primatologists to reject the traditional view of nature.
  • Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature

    This is a collection of Donna Haraway's essays. It is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on primatology and reproduction, while the second part deals with the narratives of nature in relation to feminism. The last part deals with gender and technological science, including her updated version of The Cyborg Manifesto.
  • A Cyborg Manifesto (Revised and Updated) - Haraway Primer

    A Cyborg Manifesto (Revised and Updated) - Haraway Primer
    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnY9TGbvIXA) This YouTube video summarizes the key points in Haraway's revised version of the "Manifesto" published in 1991.The video provides a comprehensive and clear discussion of Haraway's concept of the cyborg as metaphor for the rejection of traditional binaries or dualism.