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Daniel Dennett (March 28, 1942 - Present)

  • Daniel Dennett (March 28, 1942 - Present)

    Daniel Dennett (March 28, 1942 - Present)
    Daniel Dennett was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He spent hi early childhood in Lebanon, for his father was attached to the American Embassy in Beirut as a counter-intelligence agent
  • Brainstorms

    One of Daniel Dennett's most famous books. In this book, Mr. Dennett makes a claim on how the human brain and mind function, taking ideas from both a deterministic perspective, and ideas associated with free will. When people are faced with an important decision, the mind auto-generates a series of possible outcomes for the final decision, many which are subconsciously rejected until there remain but a few logical decisions. These few and final decisions are then decided by the individual.
  • Daniel Dennett (March 28, 1942 - Present)

    Daniel Dennett has left a mark on the not only on scientific communities, but also a considerable portion of the world through multiple publications. He has sparked controversy from both advocates of determinism and free will in his attempts to create a reliable cognitive structure. Through this, he hopes that scientific communities will begin to create reliable paradigms of the human mind with the vast amounts of information that have been acquired throughout the world.
  • Daniel Dennett: What is Consciousness?