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Donna Haraway

  • Birth

    Born in Denver, Colorado
  • College

    Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Zoology from Colorado College in Colorado Springs.
  • College Pt2

    Received a PhD in Biology from Yale University
  • A Cyborg Manifesto

    A Cyborg Manifesto
    A book in which she discusses the income gap that is growing, Cold War politics and technological advances at the time. The cyborg is supposed to be a symbol that challenges the boundaries between nature, culture, gender and humans.
  • Primate Vision: Gender Race and Nature In the World of Modern Science

    Primate Vision: Gender Race and Nature In the World of Modern Science
    She examines the relationship between primatologist and the social constructs of gender and race. This book comments on the the line between nature and culture. it crosses into feminist theory as she began to discuss how gendered assumptions affect the study of primates and science overall.
  • The Companion Species Manifesto

    The Companion Species Manifesto
    Haraway explores the connection between humans and their animal companions. She explains how they have played a part in human lives from helping with the herd to being a parts of teams to part of a family.
  • History of Consciousness

    Haraway becomes a professor at the University Of California in the history of consciousness department.
  • Staying With Trouble

    Staying With Trouble
    Writes this book as she suggests new ways to change the interactions and relationship we have with the earth and the things that live on it.
  • Resources

    “Donna Haraway & Cyborg Theory.” CyCandy Female Bodies and Cyborg Theory, https://edspace.american.edu/cy-candy/the-gendered-cyborg/donna-haraway-cyborg-theory/.
    Haraway, Donna J. “Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene.” Duke University Press, https://www.dukeupress.edu/staying-with-the-trouble.