Donna haraway 2006 (cropped)

Donna Haraway (1944-Alive Still)

  • Donna's Birth

    Born in Denver, Colorado, Donna grew up to become one of the most influential and impactful philosophers to tie science and technology studies, anthropology, and animal studies along with many other philosophers. She argued that science and society are quick to give women roles whether they ask for it or not, yet when it comes to science and technology, women are discouraged from participating. Many of her works discuss the oppression many women face in the science field.
  • Years of Teaching and Tutoring at Universities

    During 1971 to 1974, Donna taught the history of science and women's studies at the University of Hawaii. She also taught the same subject for six years at John Hopkins University from 1974 to 1980. After teaching, she decided to join the History of Consciousness program at Santa Cruz in 1980.
  • Donna's Education

    After studying at The Colorado College in philosophy and zoology, Donna continued her education at Yale and received her PhD in biology after writing an essay called, "The Search for Organizing Relations: An Organismic Paradigm in 20th-Century Developmental Biology" which covered biology, philosophy, medicine, and the history of science.
  • Manifesto for Cyborgs

    Manifesto for Cyborgs
    In 1985, Donna wrote the essay: "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s”, which is arguably one of the most impactful things she's done and one of her most famous works. Donna uses the word cyborg to explain how structured, ordered, and intersected our lives are with technobiological innovations.
  • Manifesto for Cyborgs [Continued]

    She explained in an interview that the word mentions two main arguments: that the production of universal, totalizing theory is a mistake that misses most of reality and that in taking responsibility for social relations, we're refusing anti-science metaphysics, discouraging the advancement of technology, and preventing ourselves from connecting with others.
  • Primate Visions Published

    In 1989, Donna went to write another book called "Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science," which focused on primate research and primatology.
  • More of Donna's Works [1991-2003]

    In the year 1991, the essay collection "Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature" was born. In 1997, Donna won the Ludwik Fleck Prize for her essay "Feminism and Technoscience." In 2003, she also wrote "The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness", which is said to be a more personal project about co-habitation, co-evolution, biopower and biosociality, and technoscience.
  • Awarded the J.D. Bernal Prize

    In 2002, Donna was awarded the J.D. Bernal Prize, which is the highest honor given by the Society for Social Studies of Science, due to her lifelong, impactful contribution in the field.
  • More of Donna's Works

    More of Donna's Works
    Another one of her works, "When Species Meet," which was written in 2008 discusses how human beings interact with various critters to form meanings, experiences, and worlds. In her second to last book, "Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene," Donna stresses the importance of maintaining a good relationship between species and generations. In this book, she argues that an improved political economy is possible and necessary.
  • Donna's Last Book: Making Kin not Population: Reconceiving Generations

    Donna's last book, written in 2018, "Making Kin not Population: Reconceiving Generations," provides different viewpoints and analyses of intimacy, kinship, and environmental justice.
  • Cited Works

    Festspiele, Berliner. “Donna Haraway – Biography.” – Biography,
    N.P. “Donna Haraway.” The European Graduate School,
  • Cited Works [Continued]

    Sullivan, Shannon, and Erin Tarver. “Intersections between Pragmatist and Continental Feminism.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 18 Sept. 2019,
    "When Species Meet - Excerpt of a Lecture by Donna Haraway." YouTube, uploaded by New Scientists, June 18th, 2008.
  • Cited Works [Photos]

    "Donna Haraway." Wikipedia, Accessed December 5th, 2022.
    "Manifesto Cyborg." Amazon, Accessed December 5th, 2022.
    "Staying With the Trouble: Making Kin in the Cthulucene." December 5th, 2022.