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Domestic and Foreign Affairs

By balinb
  • Period: to

    Domestic and foreign polocies

  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    France goes through a transition in government from a monarchy to a republican-democratic government
  • Little Turtle defeats US army

    Little Turtle defeats US army
    Little Turtle defeats a small force sent by George Washington to protect the settlers from raids conducted by the indians
  • Philidelpia becomes national capitol

    Philidelpia becomes national capitol
    Philadelphia becomes the nation's capitol.
  • Vermont statehood

    Vermont statehood
    Vermont is added as the 14th State. Carved from portions of New York and New Hampshire, and first known as New Connecticut, Vermont spent fourteen years as an independent republic before joining the Union. (America's Best History)
  • Washingtons second term

    Washingtons second term
    Washington won Relection with ease
  • Britain and France War

    Britain and France War
    Britain and Franced resumed war and the United States was having trouble staying neutral.
  • American Neutrality

    American Neutrality
    President Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality, which is what based American politics off of for over 150 years.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    General Anthony Wayne leads an Army of American soldiers that defeat the native american confederacy and turn the tide of the war.
  • Jay Treaty

    Jay Treaty
    Jay's Treaty(primary source)British gave up most of their forts on American soil, but it demanded the American government to pay prewar debts
  • Native Americans sign for peace

    Native Americans sign for peace
    The Native Americans were forced to sign peace agreements after the defeat of the Battle of Fallen Timbers. This opened the Northwest territory to settlers and to the country
  • Spanish Treaty

    Spanish Treaty
    The United States signed a treaty with Spain which allowed shipping through the Mississippi, secure access to New Orleans, and it secured the Spanish boundary of Florida
  • Washington denying third term

    Washington denying third term
    Washington's Farewell address (primary source)George Washington steps down after two terms because of ailing health and the belief of only serving two terms, to not make the United States a monarchy.