Divergence of Christanity and Judaism

  • Period: 145 to 300

    First century

    33 AD: Saul/Paul, a Jew from the city of Tarsus in Asia Minor who used to persecute Christians, converts to Christianity
    117 AD - First known gospel (Gospel of John)
    135 AD- The bishop of Rome makes the birthday of jesus known as Christmas making it as a Christian holiday
    144 AD - Marcion founds a beliefs the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are different Gods, and Jesus is not the son of the God from the old testments.
  • Period: 145 to

    Beliefs of Judaism

    God - Yahweh - is one, etrenal being who will send the messiah. He rewards the righteous and punishes the sinners.
    Messiah - believe the messiah is yet to come, decends from the house of david to establish God's kingdom on earth.
    Torah- also known as the hebrew bible. Arranged into three sections.
    Covernant - believe they are Gods chosen people. reinforced by the covernant at mount sinai.
    Afterlife - Believe in some sort of after life, which is best left in the hands of God.
  • Period: 145 to Dec 31, 1000

    Beliefs of the Christianity

    God - Who created the earth, the father of all living things. he is a personal being involved in the affars of the world.
    Messiah - Believe it is Jesus Christ, son of God, God Incarnte
    Trinity - Father, son and holy spirit. they exist within the same God head but distinct from each other.
    Bible - Holy book of the christians : "The word of God" consists of the new and old testaments.
    Afterlife - Believe our souls go to heaven or hell after death based on our good or bad conduct.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1001 to

    Beliefs of christanity (Continued)

    Covernant - different from the original covernant. indicated by Jesus's word and actions during the last supper
  • Period: to

    Divergence of Christianity and Judaism