Discovery of the New World

  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Vikings land in L'Anse aux Meadows

    Based on archaeological information, it is possible that L'Anse aux Meadows is the "Vinland" mentioned by in the Saga of Erik the Red (Icelandic explorer Leif Erikson). It predates Columbus' discoveries by around 500 years.
  • Jan 1, 1470

    Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli's proposition

    Florentine astronomer Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli suggests to King Afonso V of Portugal that sailing west would be a quicker way to reach the Spice Islands rather than the route around Africa, but his proposal is rejected.
  • Jan 1, 1485

    Christopher Columbus proposes to King John II of Portugal his plans;

    He wished to equip three ships and be granted one year’s time to sail out into the Atlantic to search for a western route to the Orient, and return. He also asked to be made a “Great Admiral of the Ocean” so he would be appointed governor of any land he discovered, along with being paid one-tenth of the revenue from those lands. His proposal was rejected by the King’s experts.
  • Jan 1, 1486

    Columbus presents his plans to Queen Isabella I and her committee.

    They deem it impractical after considering his estimations of the distance to Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias makes major progress in the search for a passage to Asia

    He reaches the Cape of Good Hope on the southern coast of Africa after sailing around the country.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus finally succeeds in rallying support from Ferdinand II and Isabella I

    Isabella had turned him away again on the advice of her council, but Ferdinand urged her to bring Columbus back and accept his offer. He leads three ships out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in the West Indies

    He calls the island 'San Salvador,' located in what we now know to be the Bahamas.
  • Jan 13, 1493

    Columbus makes his final stop in the West Indies before returning to Spain

    He was met with violence from the native people of the Dominican Republic in Samaná. Columbus kidnapped 10-25 of them to take with him to Spain.
  • Mar 15, 1493

    Columbus finally lands in the Spanish port Palos, marking the end of his journey

  • Jan 1, 1494

    The Treaty of Tordesillas is finalized

    The treaty ensures that all land discovered westward of the line belongs to Spain and everything to the east to Portugal. The line was moved a further 270 leagues west from it's initial point, 100 leagues west from Portugal's Cape Verde islands, before Spanish and Portuguese ambassadors came to an agreement. Unbeknownst to them, this meant that Spain had claim to practically all of the American continent.
  • Jan 1, 1507

    Martin Waldseemüller publishes his new world map

    It includes America and was published a year after Columbus’ death.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier arrives in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence

    This marks the time when the French first visited North America.
  • The British attempt to colonize America

    Their first colony on Roanoke Island was a failed attempt as all of the colonists mysteriously disappeared 3 years after their last shipment from England.
  • The British successfully colonize America

    Jamestown in Virginia is founded, marking the first permanent English settlement in America.
  • The Dutch first arrive in America

    They are led by an English captain, Henry Hudson, up what is now known as the Hudson River.
    5 years later, 30 families were brought over to create the New Netherland settlement.