Digital timeline

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    Andrew Jackson was born in Waxhaws between North and South Carolina. He soon then became a lawyer and landowner. But was destined to become a war hero for defeating the British in the war of 1812.
  • Jackson enlist in the revolutionary army

    At age twelve he inlisted.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    In late 1814 the British were preparing to attack New Orleans. Andrew Jackson at this time was major General of the army, he was then preparing him and his army for the fight they were about to take place in. When the British attacked Andrew and his army were ready, the americans and the british fought for a year and this was to be the last battle fought. With only seven Americans dead the Americans came out on top and won the Battle of New Orleans.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Andrew Jackson and his men go to war with the Red stick tribe in a horseshoe shaped bend on the Tallapoosa river. 800 red stick members die during the fight, but soon leads to 23,000,000 acres of land won for the Americans.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Was a presedential election held in 1824 for which John Quincy Adams would come out on top defeating Andrew J. and Henry C. But Andrew Jackson would think it was a corrupt bargain, and would see his revenge in 1828 by winning the presedential election. And becoming the seventh president of the U.S.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    Another dirty election, Andrew Jackson would be running again for president of the U.S. This election would be very interesting because of the stories told about Jackson. Mostly about his millitary background.
  • Indian Removal act

    Also known as the "trail of Tears" the american goverment forced Indian off thier lands. Most went peacefully but some did not causing 4,000 indian deaths.
  • Worcester V. Georgia

    Was a court case involving the indians living on Georgia territory for which Georgia won and got rid of all indians.
  • Nullfication Crisis

    Was a protective Tariff on the U.S. but it ended up hurting the south majorly. South was really angry and S. Carolina threatened to secede.
  • Bank War

    As Andrew Jackson pushed to get rid of the national banking system many people were calling un constitutional.