Diabetes through the Years Kaylee Ojala

  • Chemical tests

    Chemical tests
    First tests to discover diabetes through urine tests to detect sugar.
  • 1850s

    Claude Bernard discovered glycogen is secreted through the liver and believed that sugar does the same thing to urine in diabetics. Glycogen was first linked to diabetes.
  • Benedict's Solution

    Benedict's Solution
    Benedict's solution is created to have more accurate urine tests to discover sugars.
  • Frederick Banting

    Frederick Banting
    The discovery of insulin was made and was found in a dog with diabetes when they extracted the dog’s pancreas and gave them insulin shots that controlled the dogs diabetes. This was discovered by Frederick Banting.
  • Human Testing of Insulin injections

    Human Testing of Insulin injections
    A boy was given an insulin extraction and it successfully controlled his diabetes. Eli Lilly began to mass produce Insulin.
  • New forms of Insulin

    New forms of Insulin
    Protamine zinc insulin is produced and was a longer lasting insulin compared to the first insulin.
  • 1940's

    A uniform insulin syringe is invented to help the control of diabetes in humans. The ‘dip-and-read’ urine test was invented to help get quick urine reads
  • Types of Diabetes

    Types of Diabetes
    Two types of diabetes was discovered to help diagnose patients. Knowing the difference between the two helped to determine the treatment options needed. Some should use insulin to control it others can use diet and exercise to help control it.
  • Blood Glucose Level

    Blood Glucose Level
    Blood glucose levels began to be tested through paper strips that you place blood on. This worked by placing blood on the strip waiting a minute and then washing it off to reveal a color. That color was then compared to the previous color to show the level of glucose in the blood.
  • Blood Glucose Meter

    Blood Glucose Meter
    Blood Glucose meter was first introduced. This was meant to be used in doctor’s offices to test blood glucose. This was similar to the strips previously used, but it gave a number rather than an estimate of your blood glucose level.
  • New form of Insulin created

    New form of Insulin created
    A new type of insulin is produced called recombinant DNA insulin which was created to mimic human insulin. This was a very important lead in genetically engineered insulin since it was not produced by animal pancreatic tissue.
  • Biosynthetic Insulin

    Biosynthetic Insulin
    The biosynthetic insulin is now open to the public and is beginning to be mass produced. A new easier way of self monitoring of blood glucose levels is created for people with diabetes to be checked at home. This is called “Reflolux” or “Accu Chek”.
  • The Insulin Pen

    The Insulin Pen
    The insulin pen was created for an easier way to control blood glucose levels.
  • Insulin Pump

    Insulin Pump
    External insulin pumps are more available to the public allowing for less need to inject themselves with insulin on a daily basis.