Devil in the white city

Devil in the White City Time Period

  • New President

    New President
    President Benjamin Harris is succeeded by Grover Cleveland
  • 1893 World's Fair Opens

    1893 World's Fair Opens
    The world's fair, also known as the World's Colombian Exposition makes its grand opening in Chicago, Illinois. The fair was made to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival to the New World
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Also known as the Panic of 1893, the stock market crashed and plummeted America into an economic depression that lasted up until 1897. This crash effected every aspect of America's economy.
  • Pomeroy, Iowa Tornado

    Pomeroy, Iowa Tornado
    The small town of Pomeroy, Iowa was devastated and nearly completely destroyed by a tornado in 1893. This tornado killed 71 people and injured 200 more.
  • Sea Islands Hurricane

    Sea Islands Hurricane
    This was one of 3 massive hurricanes that struck the United States that his Savannah, Charleston and the Sea Islands. This hurricane was so deadly that it killed somewhere between 1,000-2,000 people.
  • Colorado Women Can Vote

    Colorado Women Can Vote
    This was a huge step up for the females you lived in Colorado. in 1893 Colorado women were finally granted the right to vote.
  • Coca-Cola Bottles

    Coca-Cola Bottles
    the vastly growing company Coca-Cola started selling their product in bottles to the public.
  • May Day Riots of 1894

    May Day Riots of 1894
    These were a series of riots that broke out in Cleveland, Ohio. During the Panic of 1893 the unemployment rate in Cleveland increased greatly and in 1984 the unemployed were tired of not being able to find jobs. This was the main cause of the May Day Riots.
  • Fire at the Faire

    Fire at the Faire
    In 1984 a large fire broke out at the Wold's Fair. This fire burnt down all the remaining buildings of the fair.
  • Great Hinckley Fire

    Great Hinckley Fire
    A massive wildfire breaks out in Hinckley, Minnesota taking the lives of more than 450 people.