Developmental Lifespan Psychology

  • First Two Years: Biosocial

    First Two Years: Biosocial
    Anotehr healthy beautiful baby is born into the world. Her name is Z'Onta Marie Deamues.
  • Firts Two Years: Cognitive

    Firts Two Years: Cognitive
    Before I was one yars old, I had began walking around at about 8 months old.
  • First Two Years: Psychosocial

    First Two Years: Psychosocial
    My mother says that I cried a lot as a baby and that she could never control me. My grandmother would always have to put me to sleep. I was about one years old when I became fully comfortable with my mother. Which sounds very old to me.
  • Early Childhood: Biosocial

    Early Childhood: Biosocial
    Z'Onta has become not so picky but she now knows what she wants. Yet she will still cry about it.
  • Early Childhood: cognitive

    Early Childhood: cognitive
    Z'Onta mind and logic developed very fast. She is now going her grandmother advice about why she should leave her grandfather anf it reallys makes sense. Her grandmother always said she felt like I've been there before. Thats was amusing.
  • Early childhood: Psychosocial

    Early childhood: Psychosocial
    At this age of 7, Z'Onta is slow but surely no longer crying to get her way. She once became angry with er mother and yelled and stated how she felt. Usually her mother would discipline her for yelling but it was said so well and so true. He mother just gave her what she was asking for. She can now make sense of what and why she wants things. Also, why it should be given to her.
  • Middle Childhood: Biosocial

    Middle Childhood: Biosocial
    As Z'Onta got older and she began puberty, her mother began to make her stay in the house and was not allowed to go places. She became very strict. Her mother used this as a method to prevent pregnancy.
  • Middle Childhood: Psychosocial

    Middle Childhood: Psychosocial
    Z'Onta sometimes would become very depressed or angry that she could not do all the things her friends were able to do. She was only able to socialize on the phone.
  • Middle Childhood: Cognitive

    Middle Childhood: Cognitive
    She is a very good student. A national honor society member and is on the right path in education.