Frederick taylor

Development of the Organizational Communication Field.

  • Scientific Management

    Scientific Management
    Developed by Frederick Taylor in 1913 -Functional, efficient, and controlling -Management is a science governed by laws, rules, and principles -Focus on relationship between management and employees -Helps facilitate communication throughout an organization Learn Principles of the Scientific Management Photo Cred -Revolutionized how we work
  • Principles of Management

    Principles of Management
    -Developed by Henri Fayol in 1916, then revised in 1949 -Functional -Management was responsible for developing well-defined assignment for workers. -Focused on organizations providing legitmate power - "Who do I go to?" -Hierarchy of management Fayol's 14 Principles of Management Photo Cred
  • The Hawthorne Effect

    The Hawthorne Effect
    -Developed by Elton Mayo in 1945 -Meaning Centered - Human Relations -Began the Human Behavior point of view -First documentation in industrial psychological research between human interaction and morale for productivity. -Test physical environment for output The Hawthorne Effect
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  • Principles of Bureaucracy

    Principles of Bureaucracy
    -Developed by Max Weber in 1947 -Based on authority relationships that emphasize depersonalizing employees and task competence. -3 Types of Authority: Charismatic, traditioanl, and reaucratic. -Functional -Provides structure and form for the concept "Always go back to the RULE book" Photo Cred
  • Theory X and Theory Y

    Theory X and Theory Y
    -Developed by Douglas McGregor -Distinguish between the Scientific Management and Human Behavior Perspectives -Meaning Centered -X = Rewards/Punishment
    -Y = Self actualization -Evaluated as ranges of behavior - Motivation
    McGregor's Theory X & Theory Y
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  • Participative Management

    Participative Management
    -Developed by <ahref='' >Rensis Likert</a> in 1961 -Based on comparisons between productive and less productive work group -Group participation helped how people worked in the organizational setting -With an increase of open communication at work, people are willing to do tasks when they have a say. Participative Management and Team Working Photo Cred
  • The Systems Approach

    The Systems Approach
    -Developed by Daniel Katz and Robert Kahn in 1966 -Grew in direct response to criticisms of both Scientific Management and Human Behavior philosophies. -Organizations affect environment, vice versa. Interrelated~ -Meaning centered - Max return for minimum input Photo Cred
  • Learning Organizations

    Learning Organizations
    -Developed by Chris Argyris and Donald Schon in1990 -Emerging -Five disciplines: System thinking, personal mastery, mental models, buidling shared vision, and team learning. -Orgs gain knowledge from continuous processes of information exchange between the org and its environments. Photo Cred