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development of a baby

  • weeks 1-3

    weeks 1-3
    In weeks 1-3 the placenta's brain, spinal cord, heart, and digestive system organs begin to develope.
  • week 6

    week 6
    Arms and legs grow longer, you can see their feet and hands but they are webed. the lungs begin to form. Most vital organs are developed.
  • week 9

    week 9
    The face and its features are well formed. the head makes up nearly half of hte fetus' size. tooth buds appear.
  • week 14

    week 14
    All major organ systems are develpoed and functioning. Fine hair called lanugo developes on hte head. Genitals are reconizable. Bones become harder. Fetus starts moving around.
  • week 21

    week 21
    lanugo covers the entire body. Eyebrows and eyelashes appear. Nails appear on hte fingers and toes. Fetal heartbeat can be felt with a stethoscope.