DeJesus's Road to the Revolution project

  • French and Indian War

    The french and Idian War started in 1756 to 1763. The war started the Ohio river land. the lan was liked for shipping and they could trade the ealy parts of the war the war the french were dominating the British.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The peace treaty between the British and the french.when the French surrendered the Britsh gained a lot of land .also the french lost Canada and the spanish took the south.
  • Pontiac's war

    A Native American named Pontaic was tired of the British takeing their land. the name Pontiac's war comes from the guy who kinda started it. The war made the colonies stronger cause they didn't like the British,aut also didnt like the Native Americans.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 was a law that king Gorgelll past saying that the engish couldn't go weswt of the appalachian mountain.the purpose of the law was to stop the Native Americans from attacking the english.The english people reaction was to go on a boycott case they couldn't go to their land.
  • The Sugar Act

    British taxed all the sugar and any sugar imported from any where else was illigal.The Britsh taxed it cause they where in a huge war debt. The english people didn't mind it.
  • The Stamp Act

    The stamp act was like the sugar act just that the stamp act taxed every thing.Again the British king made the stamp act for the huge war debt.The english people reaction was to boycott or not buy anything.The english people reaction was much worse to the stamp act than the sugar act.
  • The Quartering Act

    The local colonist had to let British soldiers to live with them.The purpose was so the colonist didnt leave and also to protect them.The colonist had to gie the soldiers food,water,and also bath them.The colonist protested against the law.
  • The Stamp Act Congress

    The stamp act congress was held in New York.27 represenatives from olny 9 diffrent colonieswent. Only because the other 4 colonieswere informed late and didn't make the meeting in time.The leaders were Timothy Ruggles and John Cotton.The Declaration of Rights and Grievances was a meeting for the taxes held on the colonist.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend act was named after Charles Townshend,chancller of the exucter.The purpose of the law was to tax as many things Americans brought,like paper,paint,glass,tea.The colonist boycott to anything that was taxed intell the law was repealed. all of the taxes were taken away excepted the taxes of tea.
  • Boston Masscre

    Quincy wanted to defend the soldiers in trial. The soldiers were found gilty for manslaughter and had thier thumbs branded with an "M" for muder as punishment.John Adams and Josiah Quincy defended the soldiers so support the colony justice.Paul Revere was the famous person who painted the Boston Masscre picture it was called "The Bloody Masscre".
  • The Boston Massacre

    What lead to to the Boston Masscre was when every thing was being taxed.So the colonist started to boycott and protested to every thing.Then they also tunted English soldiers, the British captian told his men to put thier bayonets.So the colonist started to throw snow balls at the soldiers.Hugh Montgomery was hit which caused him to fire at the crowd. after that more gun shots were fired and 5 colonist were hit.I don't or would call it a masscre more of a accident gone wrong.John Adams and Josia
  • The Tea Act