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Declaration of Independence.

  • Jun 15, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    Establishecd the idea of having a limitied government. This was important because, the idea of having a limited government so the government didnt exceed its own power.
  • King Charles forced to sign the Petition of RIght

    King Charles forced to sign the Petition of RIght
    The petiton said the English king of Queen could not collect taxes without Parliament's consent, imprison people with just cause, house troops in private homes with permission, or delcare martail law unless the country was at war. This was important, because, without the Pettion to RIght, citizens would not have the right to live, and government would take control of them.
  • The English Bill of RIghts

    The English Bill of RIghts
    The English Bill of RIghts set clear limits on what a ruler could and could not do. This is important because, without clear limits, a ruler could use there power to do unjust things.
  • KIng George begins to tax the clonies to pay off War debt

    KIng George begins to tax the clonies to pay off War debt
    After the French and Indian War ended, the british took control of the Eastern third of Norh America. This is important because without taxes, America would still be in debt, and who knows where would we be.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act placed taxes on all printed intems such as legal documents, pamphlets, newspapers, playing cards and dice. This is important because without taxes on items, we would get everything for next to nothing, and no one would have money to make things better.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A Group of Colonists dressed up as mohawk indeans, and dumped 342 chest of Britsh into the Boston Harbor. This was a protest against the tax on the tea. This is important because if no one were to prostest or act out against the taxes, they would have just kept taxing us, and raising the tax price.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    One of the acts closed the Boston Harbor. Another act withdrew the right of the Massachusetts colony to govern itself. This is important because if this never happened, the boston tea party would have not happend. Nor would have the stamp act.
  • First shots of the Revolutionary War were fired

    First shots of the Revolutionary War were fired
    They were fied at Lexington and Concord, the Second continental congress met to orginize an army and navey, issue money, and nominate George Washington as commander of the Contiental Army. This is important because if George washington was never elected president, we would not have JFK, Nixon, or even obama.
  • Pamphlet of Common Sense

    Pamphlet of Common Sense
    Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet of common senes which had influenced many colonists to think about independence because of the corrupt monarchy. This was important because if we're still under a monarchy, no one would have rights or freedom.
  • Declaration of Independence was created

    Declaration of Independence was created
    John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman made the Declaration of Independence together. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration out. This was important because with out the Declaration of Independence, our country would be either a free for all, or our government would have control over everything.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence