Deadly Tsunamis - James Hagerty

  • Lisbon, Portugal Tsunami

    Lisbon, Portugal Tsunami
    A magnitude 9 earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal caused a tsunami that killed an estimated 20,000 people.
  • Krakatoa Eruption/Tsunami

    Krakatoa Eruption/Tsunami
    In 1883, the Krakatoa volcano erupted and a large part of the volcano collapsed into the ocean causing a massive tsunami towering higher than 35 meters. More than 36,000 people were killed in the event.
  • Hawaiian Islands Tsunami

    Hawaiian Islands Tsunami
    An 8.1 magnitude earthquake in the Aleutian Islands caused a pacific-wide tsunami that struck the Hawaiian Islands. About 160 people were killed in the event.
  • Chilean Earthquake/Tsunami

    Chilean Earthquake/Tsunami
    A 9.5 magnitude earthquake in Chile caused a tsunami that traveled across the pacific and killed 61 people in Hawaii.
  • Alaskan Earthquake/Tsunami

    Alaskan Earthquake/Tsunami
    A 9.2 magnitude earthquake in Alaska generated a tsunami that killed about 130 people in Alaska and California.
  • Sea of Japan Earthquake/Tsunami

    Sea of Japan Earthquake/Tsunami
    A magnitude 7.8 earthquake in the Sea of Japan caused a tsunami that killed 120 people on Okushiri Island, Japan.
  • Papua New Guinea Tsunami

    Papua New Guinea Tsunami
    A 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Papua New Guinea caused a large underwater landslide that in turn caused a tsunami that killed more than 2100 people.
  • Sumatra Earthquake/Tsunami

    Sumatra Earthquake/Tsunami
    A 9.1 magnitude earthquake in Sumatra created a tsunami that killed about 230,000 people.
  • Samoa Earthquake/Tsunami

    Samoa Earthquake/Tsunami
    An 8.1 magnitude earthquake in Somoa generated a tsunami that killed about 200 people.
  • Chilean Earthquake/Tsunami

    Chilean Earthquake/Tsunami
    An 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile caused a tsunami that killed about 700 people in coastal towns.
  • Tohoku Earthquake/Tsunami

    Tohoku Earthquake/Tsunami
    A 9.1 magnitude earthquake off the coast of the Tohoku region in Japan caused a tsunami that killed over 20,000 people.