Muralla 03

Day Two activity 2

By igtime
  • 599


    The first Visigoth settlements in the peninsula were made gradually and in small groups throughout the fifth and early sixth century.
  • Dec 31, 714

    Avila capture by muslims

    Avila capture by muslims
    In 714 the city was dismantled by Tarik or by Muza , 73 therefore it should be assumed that at that time it was walled. 74 The only thing that seems certain is that the city became a strategic point, always desired by Arabs and Christians as defensive enclave, and fighting for his possession were permanent.
  • Dec 31, 1100

    Reconquist by cristian kingdoms

    Reconquist by cristian kingdoms
    At the end of century XI Alfonso VI of Leon ordered to his son- in- law Raimundo de Burggoña the repopulation of the center of the peninsula. 78 79 In order to protect Toledo , he proceeded to repopulate and surround the cities of Salamanca , Avila and Segovia .