
  • The Beginning of the War

    In the beginning of the war the Jews were beginning to realize the changes in the Germans' attitude towards them. Daniel was soon noticing the difference in the way his friend treated him. The Jews were scared and their fears were growing stronger everyday.
  • The First attack towards Daniels family

    The First attack towards Daniels family
    Daniel's father owned a very popular store. Everyone would shop there including the Germans. When the war started Daniel realized his dads shop would never be the same. The store was soon taken away and his family realized the hatred.
  • Hilters Youth

    Hitler thought it was necessary to involve the German boys in the hating of the Jews. The Hitler Youth were trained to march in villages and they would find Jews and Harm them. The Hitler Youth had special uniforms so people around them would recognize who they were.
  • New Laws for the Jews

    The Jews soon had new laws for their names. The ladies had to add Sarah to their names and the men had to add Arron to their name. They were also forced to where clothing so the Germans would know who was a Jew. The Jews were not aloud to go to the movies or the same school as the Germans.
  • Daniels uncle pays the consequences

    Daniels favorite uncle had forgotten to pay for a for a parking ticket. The uncle was taken to a concentration camp. The uncle was writing, but soon he got in trouble and the uncles friend wrote to the family. One day the family received a box and it was the uncles ashes.He was burnt.
  • The Ghetto

    The Ghetto was a place where not many people would survive. All Jews were forced to move there and leave everything they had in Germany. The Jews would have to build weapons for the Germans that were usually used to kill the Jews. The Jews became skinny and bonny and were sick and they would die.
  • Daniel and his Family were sent to a consetration camp

    Daniel thought the Ghetto was clear of Germans but he was caught and was sent to a camp with his family. the camp was called Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. Daniel and his father were shaved of all their hair. Daniel and his father believed Erica and the mother were killed.
  • Daniel Joins a Resistence

    Daniel meets his friend Adam from the Jewish school once again. Daniel is asked by Adam to take pictures of the torturous things the Germans do to them and a undercover German would give it to the Russians. The Jews were hoping the Russians would relieve them from the concentration camps.
  • The Jews celebrate the Passover

    Although the Jews were in captivity they would still preform their traditions. The Jews did what they could to keep their traditions alive. The Jews were celebrating their freedom from Egypt. They had a service but they were not able to do much because they were in captivity again.
  • Adam will never be forgotten

    Adam died as Daniels role model. Adam never forgot the moment he watched his sister die. He took a gun from an SS guard, then shot the guards he saw. He was then shot by an SS guard in his work building.
  • Daniel and his dad know his mother is gone

    Most of the women and children were put in the gas chamber after a new batch of Jews were sent to a camp including Daniel and his Family. His mother was killed, but not Erica, Daniels sister. Erica thought Daniel and her father were dead, and she felt alone. Then Erica, Daniel, and their dad found each other again.