Daniel Dennett (1942- )

By Ngman87
  • Elbow Room

    Dennett essentially places free will on a spectrum and discusses the various forms it may take. While humans seem to make choices solely based upon free will, we are still humans subject to making choices based upon a genetic predisposition. What humans can do is make rational choices in addition to the genetic component.
  • Conciousness Explained

    Dennett uses this work to posit that the interactions between physical and cognitive processes are the cause of human consciousness, insisting that multiple parts of the brain are the source, not one singular part.
  • Freedom Evolves

    Dennett expands upon his previous entries and furthers his free will arguments. While our physical actions may be pre-determined (to a certain extent), we all are still able to make decisions of free-will as they are not made under duress.
  • Bibliography

    Dennett, D. C. Elbow Room: the Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting. MIT Press, 2015.
    Dennett, Daniel Clement. Breaking the Spell Religion as a Natural Phenomenon. Penguin Books, 2007.
    Dennett, Daniel Clement. Consciousness Explained. Back Bay Books, Little, Brown, 2007.
    Dennett, Daniel Clement. Freedom Evolves. Penguin, 2007.