• A group settles America escaping religious persecution

  • Strong Work Ethic

    Strong work ethic becomes the foundation of American culture when Purtians settle in America
  • First Industrial Revelation in America

  • Fredrick Law Olmsted designs Central Park in New York

  • Second Industrial Revolution in America

  • Yellowstone

    First National Park is developed in 1872
  • Joseph Lee

    Father of the Playground Movement, helped survey play opportunities available in Boston
  • Boston Sand Garden

    This is the first time volunteers and paid staff oversee children and their play in a recreation setting
  • Jane Addams provided Hull House where immigrants could assimilate to American society

  • World War I

  • National Park Service is created in 1916

  • Great Depression

  • Millions are employed through the New Deal and build thousands of recreation facilities

  • Therapeutic Recreation

    Therapeutic recreation is born as a distinct discipline, following World War II
  • The President's Council on Youth Fitness was to encourage American children

  • The 1st Municipal Park Boston Commons is developed

  • 1970s Recession

  • Entrepreneurial Approach

    Public recreation becomes less reliant on taxes and begins to take more of a market orientation or entrepreneurial approach