Crime Scene Investigation

By Jbalfe
  • 700 BC

    The Chinese began to record thumbprints using clay sculptures
  • 250 BC

    Greek physician, Erasistratus, created the first lie detector test when he noted how his patients blood pressure rose and fell.
  • 1100 AD

    Roman attorney Quintilian used blood palm prints on a door handle to find the murderer of his mother.
  • Mid- 1800s

    Investigators at Scotland Yard began to conduct bullet comparisons.
  • Late 1800s

    Forensic scientinsts began using body tempurature to determine the time of death.
  • Early 1900s

    INvestigators began using systematic fingerprinting.
  • Early 2000s

    Forensic scientists began using phsycological profiling.
  • Paragraph

    During this time there was an incresed use of logic and procedure in criminal investigations. They used foot and finger prints, or anything that leaves a readable impression. They used a small amount of phsycological profiling. They emphasized the use of medicine and diagnosis as well.