credit recovery

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    james town

    In 1616 Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America was starting to settle down. Established in 1607 in the Virginia Colony the settlement had faced food shortages diseas and tensions with indigenous tribes. By 1616 tobacco was being grown as a cash crop introduced by John Rolfe. This development helped Jamestown grow by attracting more settlers and investors from England.
  • first africans of james town

    In 1619 the first Africans came to Jamestown marking a significant moment in American history. English soldiers brought around 20 people to Virginia Colony from a Portuguese slave ship. They were treated like servants instead of slaves. This event started a system of racial slavery in the colonies. From 1619 forward Africans in Jamestown changed the social, economic and cultural landscape of early America.
  • house of burgesses

    The House of Burgesses was the first representative legislative assembly in the american colonies. The house of burgesses was created by the virginia company to give settlers a voice in government and encourage more investment and settlement. It was a group of people who were elected from different places who met to talk about and make local laws and rules. This group helped create the foundation for democracy in America.
  • mayflower compact

    The Mayflower Compact was signed by the pilgrims on the mayflower it was a document that established selfgovernment in the new world. When the pilgrims landed in Virginia they needed a new legal framework to keep order and cooperate in their new settlement. The compact was made by male passengers. It made a basic law and said they would stay loyal to the english king.
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    french and indian war

    The French and indian war was a war between Britain and France over control of North America.The war started because of disagreements about land in the ohio river valley.It was part of a bigger war called the Seven Years War that happened all over the world. The Treaty of Paris changed the map of North America. France gave up most of its territory it changed the balance of power in the region. The war cost Britain a lot of money which made the colonies unhappy and led to the American Revolution.
  • proclamation of 1763

    King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763. Its main goal was to make Native americans relationship better by controlling how they trade, settleand buy land. By stopping settlers from moving west the proclamation tried to stop more conflicts between colonists and Native tribes. But many colonists were upset and wanted more land. This made people unhappy and led to the American revolution.
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    stamp act

    The Stamp Act of 1765 was a law that required the american colonies to pay a tax on paper documents like newspapers, legal papers and playing cards. This was the first direct tax on the colonies it caused a lot of protest. Colonists said that it violated their rights as englishmen to be taxed without their consent. The Stamp act congress and boycotts of British goods led to the repeal of the act in 1766 but it also caused more tensions that led to the American Revolution.
  • boston tea party

    The Boston Tea Party was a major act of defiance against British rule by American colonists. It gave the British East India Company a monopoly on selling tea, a group of colonists called the sons of liberty boarded three British ships in Boston Harbor. They dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor. This loud protest made things worse between Britain and the colonies which led to harsh laws called coercive acts. This caused the american revolutionary War to start.
  • virgina decoration of rights

    The Virginia Declaration of Rights set the stage for american constitutional democracy. It said that all men are by nature free and independent and have certain rightslike life, liberty, property, the pursuit of happiness, and safety. The declaration said that government should be by consent separate powers and protect individual liberties, such as freedom of the press and religion. It shaped the United States Declaration of Independence and later the Bill of Rights.
  • declaration of independence

    The Declaration of Independence was written on July 4, 1776. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and approved by the continental congress. It said that thirteen American colonies would no longer be controlled by Britain. The declaration says that everyone is created equal and has the same rights to life, liberty, and happiness. This lists the problems people have with King George III and explains why the colonies want to become independent.
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    battle of york town

    The Battle of Yorktown was a big victory in the American revolutionary war.George Washington and his forces attacked the British army commanded by General Cornwallis at Yorktown Virginia. The French and American forces beat the British defenses and made cornwallis give up. This battle ended major military operations in the war and helped negotiate peace. The Treaty of Paris eventually recognized American independence in 1783.
  • virgina state for religious freedom

    The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, was written by Thomas Jefferson and made law in 1786. this is a document that set the stage for the separation of church from state in America. It said that no person could be forced to attend or support any religious worship and that people were free to express their beliefs without being discriminated against . This statute influenced the first amendment of the US Constitution.
  • virgina plan

    The Virginia Plan was proposed by James madison. it was the basis for the new united states cnstitution. It wanted a strong national government with three branches legislative, executive, and judicial.The idea was to have two houses of government.This proposal would replace the articles of confederation with a more central and effective federal structure.This influenced the current system of government in the United led to the Great Compromise and the final version of the constitution.
  • bill of rights

    The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments to the US constitution.James Madison made these changes to fix a problem with the constitutions . The bill of rights gives people important rights like speaking freely,believing in a certain religion,writing what you want,having guns not being searched or taken away without permission and having a fair trial.These changes are very important in American law a.They protect people's rights and limit the power of the government.
  • Louisiana purchase

    In 1803 the US bought 828,000 square miles of land from France for 15 million. This doubled the size of the United States and expanded its territory west. the louisianna purchace included land from the Mississippi river to the rocky mountains which gave them a lot of room to grow. It also removed France from North America which had effects on the economy and strategy. The Louisiana purchase is one of Jefferson's biggest achievements and helped the country grow and develop.
  • Missouri compromise

    In 1820 the Missouri compromise was made to keep the power of free and slave states in the United States equal. This made Missouri a slave state in the union and maine a free state. Also it set a geographic boundary that stopped slavery in the Louisiana trrritory e. This compromise temporarily eased tensions over the expansion of slavery.
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    war of 1812

    The War of 1812 was a war between the US and Great Britain It was caused by things like trade restrictions, American sailors being impressed, and British helping native americans attack American settlers. Even though Washington DC was burned and Fort McHenry was defended the war ended with a treaty of ghent in 1814. The war created a sense of national pride and identity, as demonstrated by the successful defense at the Battle of New Orleans.
  • Chinese exclusion act

    The Chinese exclusion act was the first law that stopped people from coming to the united states. The law stopped Chinese workers from coming to the united states for ten years and made it impossible for Chinese people to become US citizens. This act reflected widespread antiChinese sentiment and racism in America at the time. It was kept going until 1943 when it was taken away.
  • monroe doctrine

    President James Monroe wrote the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. It said that Europe cannot colonize west and any European interference in the politics of the Americas could harm US security. This doctrine said that the united states had power in the West and wanted to stop European interfear in newly independent Latin American countries.
  • war with mexico

    The War with Mexico ended with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo it allowed theUS to take over large areas like California, arizona, New mexico, and parts of colorado, nevada, and Utah. This war made the US territory bigger but also made people argue about whether slavery should be allowed in new places.
  • compromise of 1850 dates

    The Compromise of 1850 was a set of laws that helped solve differences between groups about slavery. This compromise tried to balance the interests of free and slave states by establishing territories in New Mexico and Utah.
  • kansas Nebraska act

    The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 was a law that made Kansas and Nebraska independent states. It let people who lived there decide whether to have slaves or not. This ended slavery north in the Missouri compromise. It led to violent conflicts known as bleeding kansas. pro and antislavery forces clashed. This made the national debate about slavery even more intense.
  • election of1816

    In 1860 America had an important election. Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States. Lincolns victory showed how deep the differences between the north and south were over slavery. His election caused southern states to leave the union and start a war.
  • battle of fort sumter

    The Battle of Fort Sumter began the American civil war. Fort sumter was a fort owned by the US and located in Ccharleston harbor south carolina. When the confederate forces refused to surrender they bombarded the fort which led to its surrender. This battle started the civil war and led four more southern states to secede and join the confederacy.
  • homestead act

    The Homestead Act of 1862 was a big law that helped people move to the West by giving them 160 acres of land to live on. Homesteaders paid a small fee and had to live there for five years before they could get ownership. This act helped to settle and develop the American frontier which helped the country expand west.
  • battle of antieam

    The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest battle in American history. Over 22,000 people died. It ended in a fight but it gave president Abraham Lincoln the chance to make the preliminary emancipation proclamation. The battle stopped the confederate attack on the North and boosted union morale.
  • gettsburg address

    President Abraham Lincoln gave the gettysburg address in 1863 when he dedicated the soldiers national cemetery. It s one of the most famous speeches in american history. Lincoln said the principles of equality and liberty, honored soldiers, and emphasized the cvil wars purpose of preserving the union and advancing freedom. His address redefined the national purpose .
  • battle of gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg happened from July 1 to July 3 1863 and changed the course of the american civil war. This victory stopped general Robert E. Lee from attacking the north. It is considered the deadliest battle in the war with about 51,000 deaths. The union won at gettysburg and vicksburg which helped them gain force against the confederacy.
  • emancipation proclamation

    Abraham Lincoln made an announcement that all people who were slaves in confederate territory would be free. Even though it did not immediately free all slaves it changed the nature of the civil war by making the abolition of slavery a central war goal. It also allowed african american soldiers to join the union army.
  • compromise of 1877

    The Agreement of 1877 ended the reconstruction period after the American civil war. It solved the problem of Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden running for president in 1876. In a secret deal democrats agreed to give Hayes the presidency in exchange for federal troops leaving the south to enforce reconstruction policies. This compromise ended federal efforts to protect the rights of african americans in the South it led to jim crow laws and the segregation of back peoplw.