Representative democracy

Creation of my Representative Democracy

  • Under Monarchy

    At this point in history we did not have our government yet we were living under Monarchy and accepting the divine right theory.
  • Scientific Development

    People started to experiment and stop fearing the rule under monarchy because they were starting to question the way monarchy was ruling. Thanks to important scientist that developed theories and questioned things.
  • Pacific protests began to emerge.

    People started to get the courage to protest to the king of the time Hendrix the V. Since he was a inexperienced king he was scared and didn't know what to do so he ended agreed to hear peoples petitions. He proposed a reunion for all the people to attend and to help find common goals for the people and him.
  • The fall of the Kingdom

    The King ended up convoking a reunion but only of the wealthy people of his kingdom and didn't really take petitions he was just tired of the protest and this of course made the people mad and started to organize revolts and ended up taking over the kingdom and overthrowing the king.
  • Creating a new Government

    Once they overthrew the king people didn't know how to start organizing them self until eventually they came up with Direct Democracy that permitted all people to vote over a certain topic and majority would rule. This at first was helpful but of course became hard the more people participated because many disagreements would occur. Also many injustices were happening their was not control over the decisions of justice and equality.
  • Justice Plan & Equality Document created

    Since people were starting to get out of control they decided to make a document that ensured every persons liberties and rights as human so people could be maintained under control and so everyone could been seen as equals. But the problem was that their was no one to enforce these rules.
  • Representative Democracy was created

    Since people weren't really enforcing the rules and the bigger the population grew the harder it was for people too come to a agreement they decided to start choosing people to represent them instead and all their common interests.
  • Progress of Representative Democracy

    Eventually it started to structure into a better government with better leaders and more laws being enforced and molded the current government of my nation.