Project timeline 1 1

Creation Of Machines

  • Feb 13, 895

    Lumiere cinematography

    Lumiere cinematography
    On March 22, 1895, the Lumiere brothers presented the first film in history in Lyon, which only lasted 46 seconds but marked the history of cinema. People back then also wanted to be in the dark and watch something on a big screen.
  • Samuel Morse Creates The Telegraph

    Samuel Morse Creates The Telegraph
    It all starts with Morse creating a communication method "The Morse Code" to be able to communicate and then on May 1, 1844 in Washington the effectiveness of the invention would be demonstrated and it would be a telegraph line of up to 60km
  • Alfred Nobel Creates The Dynamite

    Alfred Nobel Creates The Dynamite
    Alfred Nobel created dynamite mainly for mining, it was created in Norway but then countries began to use it for the army and called Alfred Nobel "The Merchant of Death"
  • Alexander Graham Bell patents the Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell patents the Telephone
    Bell was the one who people believed was the patent of the telephone even though it was previously created by Antonio Meucci who in the United States on June 11, 2002 was recognized as the first inventor.
  • Marconini transmits the first radio broadcast

    Marconini transmits the first radio broadcast
    Marconini created radio in Italy and was not very recognized so he went to England and they recognized him. No one would think that radio would save so many lives that they even gave it a Nobel Prize.
  • Edison's perfect light

    Edison's perfect light
    Edison wanted to improve the light, making it electric and he succeeded and he told an interviewer from New York and so on December 31, 1879 he gave a demonstration in Menlo Park.
  • Revolution of Movility by Karl Benz

    Revolution of Movility by Karl Benz
    Karl built an engine and put it in a tricycle and it was used in the city of Ringstrasse and was used to demonstrate that the vehicle was suitable for daily use, the maximum speed it reached was 16km/h
  • Ovrille Wright, the man who made us fly

    Ovrille Wright, the man who made us fly
    Orville had a dream, to fly, and one day he achieved it, on October 17, 1903, he flew 12 seconds, 26 meters, but it was a great advance for humanity, being able to travel by flying in a machine with an engine