Creation and Dissolution of Political Parties and Sources of Support Including Major Elections

  • Federalist Party

    Federalist Party
    During this Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia is where we see the creation of political parties. The men involved had different ideas on how the United States government should be ran. The ones who believed in a strong central government and where in favor of the Constitution were called Federalists. Among this group was George Wahington,Alexander Hamiltion, and James Madison.
  • Anti-Federalist Party

    Anti-Federalist Party
    On this day at the Constitutional Convention when the Constitution was written many people like Samuel Adams,Patrick Henry and other opposed the Constition in fear that it gave federal government too much power. They formed a party called the anti-federalist who didn't agree with a strong centeral governments and pushed more for states rights. The only reason it ratified was due to the things added like the Federalist Papers and the Billf Rights.
  • Election of 1796

    This election was between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. This was a significant election because it was the first to have both candidates that claimed political parties. Thomas Jefferson claimed the democratic-republican party which was similar to anti-federalist beleives but since the constitution was passed this political party was formed to oppose federalists. John Adams was the Federalist canidate.
  • Election of 1800

    The Federalist party dissolved after this election with the democratic republican canidate (Jefferson) winning the majority of the votes, crushing federalist canidate John Adams.
  • Election of 1824

    This election brought about new political parties. It was John Q. Adams vs. Andrew Jackson as supporters of Adams grew slowly the National Republican Party was formed to oppose Jacksonian Democracy. Jackson was the Democratic canidate the first democrate to be president. This was party started when people started to follow and agreed to the ideas of Jackson.
  • Whig Party

    Whig Party
    During Andrew Jacksons presidencey the made some political opponents like Henry Clay who didn't like the ideals of Jacksonian demoracy and started the Whig party to oppose Jackson and Jackson’s handpicked successor Martin Van Buren when he won the very next election after Jacksons. The Whig party won thier first election with their canidate William Henry Harrison, first whig president. This party was eventually destroyed when the question of whether to allow the expansion of slavery.
  • American Party (Know Nothings)

    American Party (Know Nothings)
    Proposed to purify American politics, stating it was overwhemled by immgrants specifically that of Germans and Irish Catholics. Gaining there power by placing a fear that its was endagering the republican way. It main goal to curb immigration and end naturalizations of immigrants in US. Recieving it name by the often asked question of what was going on within there society they would reply " I know Nothing".
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    Radical Republicans

    This was a faction of the Republican party. They stongly opposed slavery during the civil war and didn't trust ex-confederates after the war. They didn't believe in Linconls idea of letting the Conferderates come back into the Union without any punishment. They wanted harsh punishment for them. They also supported civil rights for the newly freed.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    During the time this act was being passed the people who believed that these new teritories should be fee states and not slave states formed a new political party, the Republican party (Also known as the National Union Party) to oppose the democratic party that wanted to make the new teritories slave states.
  • Election of 1864

    This election was beetween Abraham Lincoln and George B. McClellan. This is the election where we first see a Republican president run and win the election making Lincoln the first Republican President. Lincoln fit the took this side or party because like the Republicans in the Kansas-Nebraska Act he did not want to expand slavery.
  • Greenback Party

    Greenback Party
    Against the Gold Standard, this political party formed mainly of farmers of the west and south. After Congress passed the coinage act of 1873 power of the "Green Back"(US dollar) decreased. They wanted to keep bills in place yet to have more printed so as to have cause inflation benifiting the debts they owed to the bank, yet not the bank. (After post-war with overproduction, matched with having to pay banks back for loans spent on increasing tools and tech. and land the Green Party was Formed)
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    Populist Party

    Farmers in extreme debt named,the People's Party, would rush to fight against the gold standard there main goal, to revamp it with the silver standard. Unable to pay back loans from over production having decreasing values and lowering the payments the could make, It would create more money for all the famers yet also cause inflation, making the value of the USD decrease. As well as targeting the Railroads for there influence on tranportation leading to there debts.
  • 1896 Election

    Famous Populist leader, William Jennings Bryan, ran following the Silver Standard, yet loses on the base of only focusing on farmers and not urban folk, as well as a rapid change in the economy and the era of small producers and farmers fading away. William Mckinley wins this election futhering increasing power of monopolies.
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    Progressive Party

    As opposed to the populist party the Progressives strayed away from laissez faire tactics. Believing that everyone and everything could be improved.They reached out to create multiple reforms eliminating the power of monopolies; to help workers rights, along with better conditions.They would come to want the end of segregation and that of the Jim Crow laws. Yet that of the biggest difference would be that of these were well educated, middle class men, able to better organize and act on it.
  • Bull Moose Party

    Bull Moose Party
    Under the presidency of Roosevelt after the spilt of the Repubilican party by that of William Taft, after he went through "trust busting" Teddy's previous good trust. It seeked equal opportunity and industrial justice.
  • National Woman's Party

    National Woman's Party
    Lead by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, affecting Womans' suffrage. In attempt to ridcule democrats to gain support they would go on hunger strikes publicly and hold rallies and strikes. There was much hatred towards the group as would also speak up against the great war.(WW1) There Main focus a promise in the constitution on equal rights which they believed should inclide them. In 1963 the equal rights act was created and in 64 outlawed discrimination based on sex.
  • Communist Party

    Communist Party
    Supported russian communist policies. Opposed the Socialist party of America, which opposed the Russian revoluion. Was lead by William Z. Foster yet never succeded in obtaining presidency. During this time period president Woodrow Wilson order the arrest of 10,000 suspected of communist beliefs (Red Scare).
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    A left wing black nationalist group wanting to end racial injustice it begins by challenging the authorities of police officers and there brutality the black peoples, later moving so social issue in the community. Strongly believed in armed conflict to resolve issue.
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    Boston Tea Party

    A formerly Libertarian group they spilt off to stray away from laissez faire tactics believing liberals should be more forcefully to obtain solutions to today's problems. They recieved there name after The Boston Tea Party in Massachusetts. Wanted to decrease all forms of Government on all planes to a lower level.