Rita ora

Costume, Prop and Setting Activity

  • Costume

    Artist, Rita Ora, is wearing bold red lipstick and heavy eye make-up in her 'Shine Ya Light' music video. She wears three different costumes in her music video, which consist of an contrast of tight and oversized clothing. By wearing an noticeable amount of make-up and a consistent styled outfit, the audience are able to identify her costume relates to the genre she is expressing.
  • Setting/ Location

    Setting/ Location
    Rita Ora uses a location of her home town location - Albania. She has external settings of a stage, a motoway and a rooftop setting.
  • Location/setting

    Features an Albanian flag to show the location
  • Costume

    Another tight costume which presents the hip-hop genre.
  • Props

    Rita Ora features various props throughout her music video to show the audience some narrative. Some props include; a motobike, a scarf and a phone.