Eine steine

Cosmology Timeline

By pl5069
  • 427 BCE


    An Athenian philosopher who thought Earth was round, but also thought it was the center of the universe. He decided that the cosmos have certain traits, some wrong and some debatable, and also concluded that the cosmos must be related to math in some way.
  • Dec 14, 1546

    Tycho Brahe

    Recorded a supernova and proposed a false "geo-heliocentric" solar system.
  • Isaac Newton

    Postulated the gravitational law and established his three laws of motion.
  • Pierre-Simon Laplace

    Postulated the existence of black holes, and the Nebular Hypothesis (how stars are formed in nebula).
  • Percival Lowell

    Falsely predicted that there was life on mars.
  • Georges Lemaitre

    Realized the universe is always expanding. Proposed the theory of the Big Band
  • Henrietta Leavitt

    Studied stars and found out how to find the stars' distance from earth from the luminosity.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Found the speed at which galaxies move away from each other.
  • Robert Wilson

    Discovered cosmic microwave background radiation. This was created in the birth of the universe. This helped scientists find more about the Big Bang.
  • Fred Hoyle

    Found out all the elements in the universe were made in the stars. However he didn't think the Big Bang existed.
  • Harlow Shapely

    Came up with the Goldilocks zone. Found out our solar system wasn't the only one in our galaxy. Found our distance from the sun.