Coronavirus Outbreak

  • Transmission: First Patient Presents Symptoms

    Earliest patient who presented symptoms. Never diagnosed with coronavirus
  • Virus Knowledge: WHO China Notified

    Virus Knowledge: WHO China Notified
    Officials in Wuhan report a number of pneumonia cases that had unknown causes. 27 cases, mostly stallholders from the Huanan Seafood Market
  • Containment: Huanan Seafood Market Closed

    Containment: Huanan Seafood Market Closed
    Officials close the Huanan Seafood Market for cleaning and disinfection
  • Virus Knowledge: Whistleblower Arrested

    Virus Knowledge: Whistleblower Arrested
    Dr. Li Wenliang was arrested for spreading 'false rumors' about the novel coronavirus
  • Virus Knowledge: China Confirms the Existence of a Novel Coronavrius

    Virus Knowledge: China Confirms the Existence of a Novel Coronavrius
    Confirmed cases: 41
  • Period: to

    Transmission: No new cases confirmed

    700 close contacts of patients (including 400 healthcare workers) are monitored
  • WHO confirms isolation of a novel coronavirus from a patient

    WHO confirms isolation of a novel coronavirus from a patient
    Confirmed cases: 41. First death recorded
  • Transmission: First case outside of China confirmed in Bangkok

    A 61-year-old from Wuhan tests positive for coronavirus. Arrived in Bangkok on January 8
  • Transmission: First Case in Japan

    30-year-old Chinese Male. Had close contact with a patient in Wuhan
  • Transmission: Second case in Thailand

    Amount of confirmed cases in China rises to 45
  • Transmission: Cases in Korea, Beijing, Guangdong, and Shanghai

    Transmission: Cases in Korea, Beijing, Guangdong, and Shanghai
    Confirmed cases rises to 218
  • Virus Knowledge: Human to Human Transmission Confirmed

    Virus Knowledge: Human to Human Transmission Confirmed
    After cases far from Wuhan, China's National Health Commission admits that human to human transmission is possible
  • Transmission: First Case in the US

    Patient in Washington State is diagnosed after traveling from Wuhan, China.
  • Containment: Wuhan is Quarantined

    Containment: Wuhan is Quarantined
    Confirmed cases at 571. No traffic to be allowed in or out of the city from January 23rd. All public transportation is closed, outbound flights and trains are halted.
  • Transmission: Cases in Singapore and Vietnam

    Confirmed cases at 628
  • Transmission: Cases in Nepal and France

    Additional cases in Japan, South Korea, the US, Thailand, and Singapore
  • Virus Knowledge: Infectious during incubation period

    Chinese researches indicate that patients are infectious during the incubation period
  • Containment: Hubei is quarantined city-by-city

    Containment: Hubei is quarantined city-by-city
    Confirmed cases at 846
  • Containment: Level 1 Public Health Emergency in all provinces.

    Containment: Level 1 Public Health Emergency in all provinces.
    Quarantine and temperature checks at transportation checks widen. Residents were urged to self-quarantine for 14 days after returning from outbreak areas.
  • Transmission: Cases in Australia and Malaysia

    Australia confirms 4 cases, Malaysia 3. Two presumptive cases admitted in Sri Lanka
  • Containment: Forced Quarantine begins

    Containment: Forced Quarantine begins
    Chinese citizens are put into forced quarantine if they had close contact with confirmed cases. Use of force by authorities is authorized
  • Containment: Spring festival holiday extended

    Chinese government extends spring festival holiday to February to contain the outbreak
  • Containment: All wildlife trade banned

    Containment: All wildlife trade banned
    Banned by the Chinese government.
  • Containment: Countries Update Travel Advisories to China

    Many countries upgrade travel advisory to avoid non-essential travel to China. Mongolia and Russia close borders. US, Canada, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Nepal, Vietnam, Italy, France, etc.
  • Transmission: Cases in Canada, Germany, and Cambodia

    Possible cases in Romania, Austria, Ecuador, Poland, Mongolia, and Switzerland
  • Virus Knowledge: Confirmed transmission by asymptomatic carrier

    Confirmed by German authorities. Original transmitter is from Shanghai
  • Transmission: Cases in Tibet and Finland

    Suspected cases in Armenia and Brazil.
  • Containment: US upgrades travel advisory

    Containment: US upgrades travel advisory
    Travel advisory upgraded to "Do Not Travel" to China. All remaining citizens within China are urged to leave. Travel restrictions may be put into effect with no advanced notice. Delta and United suspend flights to China
  • Virus Knowledge: Recovered patients can potentially be reinfected

    Chinese media urges caution and preventative methods for recovered patients
  • Containment: WHO declares a global health emergency

    Containment: WHO declares a global health emergency
    Further suspension of travel from China in Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, USA, and many other countries.
  • Transmission: First death outside of China

    44-year-old Man in Philippines dies. Additional cases in California, as well as in evacuation flights from Wuhan
  • Transmission: More than 20,000 confirmed cases

    Mostly in Wuhan. Official count of recovered patients exceeds deaths for the first time.
  • Transmission: Cases identified on quarantined cruise ship

    Transmission: Cases identified on quarantined cruise ship
    Cruise ship the Diamond Princess is quarantined after a passenger was confirmed with coronavirus in Hong Kong. Currently, there are 45 cases on board. The cruise ship is in quarantine in Yokohama
  • Virus Knowledge: Diagnostic criteria changed

    Due to a shortage of test kits, the National Health Commission allowed clinical diagnoses using Chest CT scans. Suspected cases are allowed to be admitted with respiratory symptoms
  • Containment: Shelter hospitals are operational, now handling suspected cases

    Containment: Shelter hospitals are operational, now handling suspected cases
    Designated hospitals in Wuhan will not only admit serious cases. Chinese authorities are negotiating licensing fees with Western antiviral manufacturers.