Europemap 2010

Contemporary European History

  • Great War (WWI) Begins

    WWI begins with the assisination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serb. At this point, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, Russia decalres war on Austria-Hungary, Germany declares war on Russia, and so on until most countries in Europe are involved in the war.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    Great Britain and France force Germany & Austria-Hungary to sign the treaty ending WWI. Germany is forced to give up land and pay reparations (money) to the rest of Europe. Austria-Hungary is forced to break apart. Both countries are blamed for causing the war.
  • World Wide Depression Begins

    Due to the costs of WWI and the money paid out by various countries, a great depression hits Eruope and North America. It officially begins with the crash of the stock market in the United States, but Germany is hit especially hard by the depression.
  • Adolf Hitler is Elected

    The German people elect Adolf Hitler as leader. He promises to punish Europe for taking their land, their money, and causing Germany to suffer in the Great Depression. He also begins his persecution of the Jews.
  • World War II Begins

    Germany had taken over Austria and Czechoslovakia with the promise to not invade Poland. Germany signs a pact with the Soviet Union agreeing to split Poland when Germany invades if the Soviets don't attack. (That is later broken.) Germany invades Poland, causing France and Great Britain to come to its aid. Italy sides with Germany. The Soviet Union eventually sides with Great Britain and France.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Berlin surrenders to Soviet & US troops following the death of Adolf Hitler. The US & the Soviets begin occupying Berlin.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    The Cold War is a period of tension between Western Democratic countries and Eastern Communist countries. This led to the phrase "the Iron Curtain." It was the dividing line between Western and Eastern Europe. It is called the Cold War because there was no direct fighting between the two sides, although there was indirect figthing in Korea & Vietnam. There was also a dramatic increase in nuclear weapons. The main purpose of the weapons is to prevent the other group from firing.
  • NATO is Formed

    10 European countries plus the US and Canada create the North Atlantic Treay Organization. The purpose is to protect each other should another country, specifically the Soviet Union, threaten to invade them.
  • Beginnings of European Union

    France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and West Germany begin an agreement to cooperate both politically and economically in order to prevent another world war.
  • Signing of Warsaw Pact

    The Soviet Union and 7 other Eastern European countries met in Warsaw, Poland. They signed an agreement to protect each other should they be invaded by another country. This was in response to NATO and the Cold War.
  • Beginning of the Fall of Communism in Europe

    Starting in Poland and travelving through all other Eastern European countries, communist governments began to fall. Eventually, the Soviet Union disolved and Germany was able to reunite.
  • European Union Becomes Official

    The European Union is officially designated as a political and economic agreement. There are currently 27 countries in the EU. Countries must have a democratic government and a socialist of free enterprise economy. They must also allow all human rights.