
contemporary age

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 476

    Old age

    The fall of the Roman Empire, the Ancient Age ended and the great empires disappeared, giving way to other types of smaller organizations, the so-called fiefdoms, which marked the beginning of a new stage in the history of humanity
  • Period: 15 to 18

    Modern age

    The Modern Age (and in some contexts, as Modernity) is known as the third period in which the history of humanity is usually divided, and which includes the period between the mid-fifteenth century and the end of the eighteenth, that is, between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of contemporaneity
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Middle Ages

    It is the year 1453, in which two events take place that will radically transform the Old World: the fall of Constantinople into the hands of the Ottomans and the first publications of Gutenberg through his printing press.
  • Period: to

    contemporary age

    The double European revolution (Industrial Revolution and French Revolution) was the process that marked the passage from the Modern Age to the Contemporary Age, although it is considered that the fact that represents the beginning of the period is the taking of the royal prison of the Bastille, in 1789
  • Period: to


    It started 2.5 million BC and ended 3500 BC.
    Beginning: appearance of the human being
    end: appearance of writing