
contact lenses

  • Sep 21, 1505

    Leonardo da Vinci

    leonardo da vinci illustrated the concept of contact lenses.
  • first contact lenses

    the first contact lenses were made from glass. they were fitted to fit the entire eye.
  • Plastic contact lenses

    designed to cover only the eye's cornea. made from plastics called hydrogels. they absorbed water to keep the lenses soft.
  • Silicone-hydrogel contact lenses

    silicone lenses were first marketed in 2002. they allowed more oxygen to pass through the lens.
  • Custom-manufactured silicone-hydrogel lenses become available

    hydrogel lenses became available in all prescriptions and sizes. which reduced the amount of complications.
  • todays contact lenses

    todays lenses can correct conditions such as keratoconus and aniseikonia. whoch effect sight. always they can change the appearence of your eyes.