Conquest of the West from mid-1800s through 1900

  • Extinction of Buffalo in 1800

    Buffalo were used for their skin, fur, and meat.Ths lead to the starving or removal of Native Americans because they relied on Bison for food.
  • Discoveries of large amounts of gold and silver

    The discovery of large amounts of gold and silver excited people throghout the United States.
  • Homestead act of 1862

    It was an outgrowth of of the demand for western lands as population grew. Several United States federal laws that gave an ownership of land, at little or no cost.
  • Jesse James

    He was an American outlaw, gang leader, bank robber, train robber, and murderer. Afer his death he became a figure of the Wild West.
  • Shift from "Long Drive" to "Cattle Ranching"

    It was easier to cattle ranch and easier to transpot goods.
  • Transcontinental Railroad System

    The Transcontinental Railroad System was used for transporting good. It made it easier and faster to ship and recieve the goods.The transcontinental railroad replaced the much slower and dangerous transportation of wagon trains, Pony Expres and stagecoach line
  • Barbed wire

    Barbed wire was used to keep cattle in an area. Farmers and frontiers used them.
  • Willd West Shows

    Wild West Shows were a genre of outdoor entertainment that thrived for three decades.William F. Cody opened Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show on May 19, 1883.
  • Dawes Act of 1886

    Dawes Act of 1886 is to bring justice to the Native Americans. The goal was to turn Natives into farmers.
  • Growth of new towns and cities to support cattle, and farming industries

    Mining increased the growth of towns in the West because many people wanted gold and to became rich.